McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups

All the solutions provided in McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Answer Key PDF Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Compare Groups will give you a clear idea of the concepts.

McGraw-Hill My Math Grade 1 Answer Key Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Compare Groups

Explore and Explain

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 1
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I placed the cubes on the monkeys and birds
I counted and wrote the number of monkeys and the number of birds.

Teacher Directions: Look at the picture. Place McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 2 on each bird. Place McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 3 on each monkey. Count and write how many of each animal. Circle the number that shows more.

See and Show

You can subtract to compare groups.

There are 6 zebras. There are 2 elephants. How many more zebras are there than elephants?
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There are 6 zebras
There are 2 elephants
I drew counters to show the numbers
6 – 2 = 4
4 more zebras and 4 fewer elephants.

Use McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 5. Write a subtraction number sentence. Write how many more or fewer.

Question 1.
There are 7 giraffes. There are 2 rhinos. How many more giraffes are there than rhinos?
____ – ____ = ____ more giraffes
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There are 7 giraffes
There are 2 rhinos
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 2 circles
7 – 2 = 5
So, there are 5 more giraffes.

Talk Math What happens when you compare equal groups?
Answer: The difference will be “0” when you compare equal groups.

On My Own

Use McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 6. Write a subtraction number sentence Write how many more or fewer.

Question 2.
There are 5 leopards. There are 3 gorillas. How many fewer gorillas are there than leopards?
____ – ____ = ____ fewer gorillas
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There are 5 leopards
There are 3 gorillas
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 3 circles
5 – 3 = 2
So, there are 2 fewer gorillas.

Question 3.
9 butterflies are black. 5 butterflies are yellow. How many fewer butterflies are yellow than black?
____ – ____ = ____ fewer butterflies
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9 butterflies are black
5 butterflies are yellow
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 5 circles
9 – 5 = 4
There are 4 fewer yellow butterflies than black butterflies.

Question 4.
There are 6 tigers. There are 2 cheetahs. How many more tigers are there than cheetahs?
_____ – ____ = ____ more tigers
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There are 6 tigers
There are 2 cheetahs
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 2 circles
6 – 2 = 4
There are 4 more tigers.

Problem Solving

Question 5.
There are 8 elephants. There are 4 lions. How many fewer lions are there than elephants?
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 Answer Key Compare Groups 7
____ fewer lions
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There are 8 elephants
There are 4 lions
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 4 circles
8 – 4 = 4
So, there are 4 fewer lions.

Question 6.
There are 9 monkeys and 8 parrots in a tree. How many more monkeys are there than parrots?
____ more monkey
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There are 9 monkeys and 8 parrots in a tree
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 8 circles
9 – 8 = 1
So, there is 1 more monkey.

Write Math How can you use subtraction to compare groups?
If we subtract two different groups we can compare them to find which group has more and which has fewer.

McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 7 My Homework Answer Key


Write a subtraction number sentence. Write how many more or fewer.

Question 1.
There are 4 snakes. There are 2 chimps. How many fewer chimps are there than snakes?
____ – ____ = ____ fewer chimps
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There are 4 snakes
There are 2 chimps
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 2 circles
4 – 2 = 2
So, there are 2 fewer chimps.

Question 2.
Stella ate 3 bananas. Seth ate 2 bananas. How many fewer bananas did Seth eat than Stella?
____ – ____ = ____ fewer banana
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Stella ate 3 bananas
Seth ate 2 bananas
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 2 circles
3 – 2 = 1
So, there is 1 fewer banana.

Write a subtraction number sentence. Write how many more or fewer.

Question 3.
There are 5 frogs in a pond and 3 frogs on the land. How many more frogs are in a pond than on the land?
_____ – _____ = ____ more frogs
McGraw Hill My Math Grade 1 Chapter 2 lesson 7 Answer Key img 11

There are 5 frogs in a pond and 3 frogs on the land
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 3 circles.
5 – 3 = 2
So, there are 2 more frogs.

Question 4.
Jesse went fishing. He caught 7 fish in the morning and 6 fish in the afternoon. How many fewer fish did Jesse catch in the afternoon than in the morning?
____ – ____ = ____ fewer fish
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Jesse went fishing
He caught 7 fish in the morning and 6 fish in the afternoon
I drew counters to show the numbers
I marked X on 6 circles
7 – 6 = 1
So, there is 1 fewer fish.

Vocabulary Check

Circle the correct answer.

compare add

Question 5.
Subtract two different groups so you can ____ them to find which group has more and which has fewer.
Subtract two different groups so you can compare them to find which group has more and which has fewer.

Math at Home Take a walk outside. Collect leaves or other objects found in nature. Create two groups with the items showing less than 9 items in each group. Have your child tell how many more or how many fewer.

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