Like Terms

Like Terms – Definition, Simplification, Examples | How to find Like Terms?

Like terms are those that include the same variables raised to the same power. The general and only difference is numerical coefficients. Only we can combine like terms in a phrase. To make algebraic formulas easier to deal with, we combine like terms to shorten and simplify them.

Like terms in mathematics refer to quantities that have the same variables and exponents. Let’s learn the definitions of similar phrases and apply your maths abilities to appropriate sample problems. Students of 6th Grade Math can get ultimate grip on the concept by referring to this article.

What are Like Terms?

Like terms are the terms that contain the same variable and are even raised to the same power. 3x + 12x, for example, is an algebraic expression having similar terms. We can add like terms to simplify this algebraic statement. Similarly, we may do all mathematical operations on equivalent words.

Only like terms can be joined in an expression. To make algebraic formulas easier to deal with, we combine like terms to shorten and simplify them. To combine like terms, add the coefficients while keeping the variables constant.

Example:  Individual components of an equation or expression separated by ‘+’ or ‘-‘ signs are referred to as algebraic terms. Consider the following formula: 3x + 8y. We can’t make it any simpler because ‘x’ and ‘y’ are unknown. Consider another example.

3x² + 11x + 7y + 5x + 6x²

This expression may be rewritten as follows if it is rearranged:

6x² + 3x²+ 11x + 5x + 7y

By includingLike Terms,

=9x² + 16x + 7y

As seen, algebraic terms with the same variables are added to one another. The addition of specific words was only feasible since the variables in both situations are the same, even though the numerical coefficients varied, which may be added as regular numbers, and the variable factor stays unchanged.

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Like Terms Examples

1. In a mathematical expression 6x²y+ 3xy² – xy – 8yx², Find Like and unlike terms?

Because they both have the same numerical coefficients x²y, the like terms are 6x²y, − 8yx². And the unlike terms are 3xy², – xy since they each have distinct numerical coefficients.

2. Combine the Like Terms 5x³y³z³ + 11x³y³z³ – 7x³y³z³

The three polynomial expressions have the same variables (xyz) raised to the same power. The one and only difference are in the numerical coefficients. As a result, the polynomials are summed together thus resulting in 9x³y³z³.

3. Combine the Like Terms 8x² – 3x² + 4x²?

We see that the three terms of the trinomial ( 8x², 3x², and 4x²) have the same variables (x²) raised to the same power (2). The main difference is the numerical coefficients. As a result, the above expression can be simplified as 9x².

FAQs on Like Terms

1. In an algebraic equation, can we simplify like terms?

Yes, we can simplify Like terms in an algebraic equation. Like terms have the unique virtue of being able to be simplified while performing an Algebraic Operation.

2. Why do we group like terms together?

We combine like terms in algebraic equations because doing so simplifies expressions to their simplest form, requiring no further work. Expressions can be answered quickly by merging like terms.

3. What is meant by Like terms?

Like terms are the terms that have similar variables and exponent powers. The coefficients of these factors might vary. Algebraic-like words are terms that are related to one another. The algebraic expression’s similar terms can be combined to simplify the equation and obtain the solution in a straightforward manner.

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