Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers

We included HMH Into Math Grade 4 Answer Key PDF Module 7 Lesson 3 Divide by 1-Digit Numbers to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers

I Can divide a multi-digit number by a 1-digit number and check the answer.

Step It Out

1. Jenni has 4,155 tickets for the air show. She gives the same number of tickets to 4 schools in the area. How many tickets does each school get?
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 1
A. Divide the thousands.

  • ___ thousand is in each group.
  • Subtract the ___ thousands in groups.
  • There are 0 leftover thousands to regroup.
    HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 2

Answer :

  • 4 thousand is in each group.
  • Subtract the 4 thousand in groups.
  • There are 0 leftover thousands to regroup.

B. Divide the hundreds.

  • You cannot share 1 hundred among 4 groups. So, write a 0 in the hundreds place of the whole-number quotient.
  • Regroup the 1 hundred as _____ tens.


  • You cannot share 1 hundred among 4 groups. So, write a 0 in the hundreds place of the whole-number quotient.
  • Regroup the 1 hundred as 15 tens.

C. Divide the tens.

  • _____ tens are in each group.
  • Subtract the _____ tens in groups.
  • Regroup the leftover tens.


  • 15 tens are in each group.
  • Subtract the 12 tens into groups.
  • Regroup the leftover tens.

D. Divide the ones.

  • _____ ones are in each group.
  • Subtract the ___ ones in groups.
  • Write the _____ leftover ones as the remainder.


  • 35 ones are in each group.
  • Subtract the 32 ones in groups.
  • Write the 3 leftover ones as the remainder.

E. Each school gets ____ tickets.


Each school gets 3 tickets.

Step It Out

2. Division and multiplication are inverse operations. So, you can use multiplication to check your answer to a division problem.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 3
A. Show the relationship between multiplication and division when there is no remainder.
Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient
Quotient × ___ = ____


Quotient x divisor = Dividend.

B. Show the relationship when there is a remainder.
Whole-Number Quotient × ___ + ___ = ____


Whole-Number Quotient × divisor  + Remainder = Dividend.

C. Apply the relationships to check division.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 13

Turn and Talk What are other ways you can check that your answer to a division problem is reasonable?

Check Understanding

Divide and check.

Question 1.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 4


Question 2.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 5

On Your Own

Question 3.
Reason A single-engine airplane with fuel can carry a maximum of 460 pounds in cargo. The pilot wants to load 5 boxes of equipment. If all the boxes have the same weight, what is the maximum weight each box can have?
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 6

Attend to Precision Divide and check.

Question 4.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 7

Question 5.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 8

Question 6.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 9

Question 7.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 10

Question 8.
Use Structure When you divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number, how many digits can the whole-number quotient have? Explain how you know.

The whole number can still have 4 digits depending on the 1 digit. Because 1 digit number may or may not be multiple. Thereofore, it can have still 4 digits.


On Your Own

Question 9.
STEM The force of wind can change how fast an airplane flies. With a tailwind, a plane flies 2,340 miles in 5 hours. With a headwind, the plane flies the same distance in 6 hours. If the plane with the headwind flies the same distance every hour, how many miles does it fly each hour?
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 11


The force of the wind can change how fast an airplane flies.

With a tailwind, a plane flies 2,340 miles in 5 hours.

With a headwind, the plane flies the same distance in 6 hours.

Therefore, plane fly 390 miles each hour.


Question 10.
Attend to Precision Mr. Tyler buys 4 round-trip tickets from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Toronto, Canada. The total cost is $2,156. How much does each ticket cost?


Mr. Tyler buys 4 round-trip tickets from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, to Toronto, Canada.

The total cost is $2,156.

Therefore, Each ticket costs $539.


Question 11.
Open Ended Write and solve a story problem that can be modeled by the equation 7,568 ÷ 7 = n.


7,568 ÷ 7 = n

n =

Therefore, the value of n is 1081.


Question 12.
Critique Reasoning Delton completes this division, Is his answer correct? Explain why or why not.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 7 Lesson 3 Answer Key Divide by 1-Digit Numbers 12

No, the answer is not correct. Because the correct quotient is 1042 but Delton got quotient as 142.

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