Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key

We included HMH Into Math Grade 4 Answer Key PDF Module 2 Review to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key


Choose the correct term from the Vocabulary box to complete the sentences. Not all terms may be used.


Question 1.
A mathematical relationship expressed in symbols is called a ____.
Answer: formula
A formula is a mathematical rule or relationship that uses letters to represent amounts which can be changed – these are called variables
A formula is a calculation for a specific purpose, for example converting Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice versa.

Question 2.
A number that is added to another number is called an _____
Answer: Addend
Addend is a math term for any number that’s added to another. If you add 10 to 15, then 10 is the addend. You can also call an addend a summand.

Concepts and Skills

Estimate. Then find the sum.

Question 3.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 1

480,321 is written as 480,000
341,569 is written as 340,000
480,000 + 340,000 = 820,000

Question 4.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 2

403,977 is written as 400,000
184952 is written as 200,000
400,000 + 200,000 = 600,000

Question 5.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 3

7784 is written as 8000
2389 is written as 2000
8000 + 2000 = 10,000

Estimate. Then find the difference.

Question 6.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 4

5000 is written as 5000
3000 is written as 3000
5000 – 3000 = 2000

Question 7.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 5

475,837 is written as 500,000
264,822 is written as 300,000
500,000 – 300,000 = 200,000

Question 8.
Estimate: ____
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 6

68,652 is written as 68,000
16,867 is written as 16,000
68,000 – 16,000 = 52,000

Question 9.
Use Tools The sports arena had a total attendance of 54,927 people on Friday and Saturday night. If 23,380 people were in attendance on Saturday night, how many people were in attendance on Friday night? How many more people were in attendance on Friday night than on Saturday night? Tell what strategy or tool you will use to solve the problem, explain your choice, and then find the answers.
8167 more people were in attendance on Friday night than on Saturday night.
54,927 people on Friday and Saturday night
23,380 people were in attendance on Saturday night
54,927 – 23,380 = 31,547
31,547 people were in attendance on Friday night
31,547 – 23,380 = 8167 more people were in attendance on Friday night than on Saturday night

Question 10.
Gloria has read 57 pages of an 86-page book. How many pages does Gloria have left to read? Write an equation to model the problem. Use n for the unknown number. Then solve.
29 pages
Gloria has read 57
out of 86 pages.
86 – 57 = n
n = 29
86 – 57 = 29 pages that Gloria have left to read

Question 11.
The library collected 2,532 books on Friday. The library collected 1,286 more books on Saturday than the amount collected on Friday.
How many books were collected on Saturday? Draw a visual model for this problem. Then solve.
3818 books
The library collected 2,532 books on Friday.
The library collected 1,286 more books on Saturday than the amount collected on Friday.
2532 + 1286 = 3818
3818 books were collected on Saturday

Question 12.
Find the perimeter of a rectangle if the width is 3 centimeters and the length is 6 centimeters longer than the width. Explain your thinking.
The perimeter of a rectangle = 18
Perimeter = P = l + w + l + w
p = 6 + 3 + 6 + 3
p = 9 + 9
p = 18

Question 13.
A bike club is planning their training route. The route follows the perimeter of a rectangular park with a length of 5 miles and a width of 4 miles. How far is their route?
(A) 36 miles
(B) 20 miles
(C) 18 miles
(D) 9 miles
Answer: C
Perimeter = P = l + w + l + w
p = 5 + 4 + 5 + 4
p = 10 + 8
p = 18

Question 14.
The diagram shows the plan of the new rectangular playground. How many yards of fencing will the city need if they put a fence around the playground?
Into Math Grade 4 Module 2 Review Answer Key 7
200 yards of fencing that the city need if they put a fence around the playground
Perimeter = P = l + w + l + w
p = 70 + 80 + 70 + 80
p = 160 + 140
p = 200

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