We included HMH Into Math Grade 4 Answer Key PDF Module 17 Lesson 1 Identify and Draw Perpendicular and Parallel Lines to make students experts in learning maths.
HMH Into Math Grade 4 Module 17 Lesson 1 Answer Key Identify and Draw Perpendicular and Parallel Lines
I Can identify parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.
Spark Your Learning
A news station’s drone pilot is flying a drone over a neighborhood as part of a news story. The images that the drone captures reveal intersecting lines, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines. How can you show each of these terms in this picture of a neighborhood?
Draw and label lines to show your thinking.
As we can see from the above figure, two roads are perpendicular to each other which makes a right angle at their intersection.
Turn and Talk How does your choice for each term compare with the choices of others?
Build Understanding
Question 1.
You can find examples of lines in the world around you.
A. Label each picture that appears to show intersecting lines, perpendicular lines, or parallel lines.
The first figure represents a railway track where two rails are parallel to each other. Here AB and CD are parallel to each other.
The second figure represents intersection of two roads at a junction. Here, EF and GH are intersecting at a point I.
The third figure represents a current pole with iron bars attached/set perpendicular to it. Here, LM is perpendicular to JK.
B. Unscramble the definitions for intersecting lines, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines. Then write the correct term.
Turn and Talk How did you decide which term went with which definition?
We know that
- Parallel lines never intersect and does not form any angle between them. So parallel lines will have the definition “Lines in same plane that never intersect and are always the same distance apart”
- Perpendicular lines will intersect at one point and form a right angle at intersection. So perpendicular lines will have the definition as “Two lines that intersect to form right angles”
- Intersecting lines will intersect at only one point and so the definition of intersecting lines will be “Lines that cross each other at exactly one point”
Step It Out
Question 2.
Use a straightedge to draw and label the lines.
Draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{B C}\). Then draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{D E}\) || \(\overleftrightarrow{B C}\).
The above lines DE and BC are parallel to each other.
Draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{M N}\). Then draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{S T}\) || \(\overleftrightarrow{M N}\).
The above lines ST and MN are parallel to each other.
Draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{F G}\). Then draw and label \(\overleftrightarrow{H J}\) intersecting \(\overleftrightarrow{F G}\) at point A.
The above line HJ is intersecting the line FG at point A.
Question 3.
Line segments are parts of lines that form the sides of figures. Use the directions to mark the figures.
A. Circle the figures that appear to have perpendicular sides.
In the above image we can observe different figures. Of all the figures square have perpendicular sides because the adjacent sides intersect at 90 degrees. So, drawn a circle for square.
B. Mark an X on the figures that appear to have parallel sides.
In the above image we can observe different figures. Of all the figures square and trapezoid have parallel sides. So drawn X on the figures square and trapezoid.
Check Understanding
Use the figure for 1 and 2.
Question 1.
Which pair of lines are perpendicular?
Lines BC and AD are perpendicular.
Lines BC and AD are intersecting and forming a right angle at their intersection. Hence those two lines are perpendicular.
Question 2.
Which pair of lines appears to be parallel?
Lines AB and CD are parallel.
Lines AB and CD are not intersecting at any point and are always the same distance apart. Hence those two lines are parallel.
On Your Own
Use Tools Use a straightedge to draw and label the figure described.
Question 3.
\(\overleftrightarrow{A M}\) intersecting \(\overleftrightarrow{P T}\) at point N
In the above image we can observe the line AM is intersecting the line PT at point N.
Question 4.
\(\overleftrightarrow{R S}\) || \(\overleftrightarrow{T U}\) and \(\overleftrightarrow{V W}\) ⊥ \(\overleftrightarrow{T U}\).
In the above image we can observe RS is parallel to TU and VW is perpendicular to TU.
Use the figure for Problems 5 and 6.
Question 5.
Which pair of sides appears to be parallel?
Sides AB and CD appears to be parallel.
Sides AB and CD are not intersecting at any point and are always the same distance apart. Hence those two sides are parallel.
Question 6.
Which pair of sides is perpendicular?
Sides BA and AD are perpendicular. Also, sides CD and DA are also perpendicular.
Sides BA and AD are intersecting and forming a right angle at their intersection. In the same manner, sides CD and DA are intersecting and forming a right angle at their intersection. Hence sides BA & AD and CD& DA are perpendicular to each other.
Question 7.
STEM Honeybees build honeycomb cells in their hives to store pollen and honey and to protect their young. How can you use what you know about lines to describe the sides of the honeycomb cell?
The honeycomb cell appears to be a hexagon where opposite sides are always parallel.
Explanation: As we can observe from the figure, each honeycomb cell represents a hexagon and opposite sides of a cell are always parallel to each other.
I’m in a Learning Mindset!
Do I feel good about my understanding of perpendicular lines and parallel lines? What can I tell myself to stay positive?