Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0

We included HMH Into Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Module 6 Lesson 7 Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0

I Can use properties and visual models to apply the rules for dividing with 1 and 0.

Spark Your Learning

Nina has 4 muffins and 4 plates. She puts an equal number of muffins on each plate.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 1
Ben has 4 muffins and 1 plate. He puts all the muffins on the plate.

Use words or drawings to show equal groups.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 2

Turn and Talk What if Nina had 0 muffins? How could you show 0 muffins and 4 plates?

Build Understanding

1. Ida has 5 muffins and 1 plate. She places an equal number of muffins on the plate. How many muffins are on the plate?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 3
A. Show equal groups.

Answer: 5 ÷ 1 = 5

B. What division equation can you write to model this problem?
Given that,
The number of muffins near Ida is equal to 5.
The number of plates near Ida equals tp 1.
She places an equal number of muffins on the plate.
Number of muffins on the plate equal to 5 ÷ 1 = 5

2. Herb has 5 muffins and 5 plates. He places an equal number of muffins on each plate. How many muffins are on each plate?
A. Show equal groups.

Answer: 5 ÷ 5 = 1

B. What division equation can you write to model this problem?
Given that;
Number of muffins near Herb equal to 5
Number of plates near Herb equal to 5
He places an equal number of muffins on each plate.
Therefore the number of muffins on each plate equal to 5 ÷ 5 = 1
There is 1 muffin on each plate.

3. Yin has 0 muffins and 3 plates. How many muffins are on each plate?
A. Show equal groups.

Answer : 0 ÷ 3 =0

B. What division equation can you write to model this problem?
Given that;
The number of muffins near Yin is equal to 0.
The number of plates near Yin is equal to 3.
The number of muffins on each plate is equal to 0 ÷ 3 = 0.

Turn and Talk Mona has 3 muffins and 0 plates. If Mona has no plates, then how can the muffins be separated equally onto plates?

Step It Out

Rule A Any number divided by 1 equals that number.
Rule B Any number (except 0) divided by itself equals 1.
Rule C Zero divided by any number (except 0) equals 0.
Rule D You cannot divide by 0.

4. Lu divides 4 oranges equally into 4 bowls.
How many oranges are in each bowl?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 4
A. Write a division equation. Solve. ________

Answer: 4 ÷ 4 = 1

B. Name the division rule. ______
Given that;
The number of oranges is equal to 4.
The number of bowls is equal to 4.
Therefore the number of oranges on each bowl is equal to 4 ÷ 4 = 1.
Divison rule is any number divided by itself except 0 equal to 1

5. Jo divides 0 oranges equally into 5 bowls. How many oranges are in each bowl?
A. Write a division equation. Solve. _____

Answer: 0 ÷ 5 = 0

B. Name the division rule. _____
Given that;
Jo divides 0 oranges equally into 5 bowls.
Number of oranges in each bowl equal to 0 ÷ 5 = 0
The division rule is zero divided by any number except 0 equal to 0.
The division rule is any number divided by 1 that gives the same number.

6. Al divides 8 oranges equally into 1 bowl. How many oranges are in the bowl?
A. Write a division equation. Solve. _____

Answer: 8 ÷ 1 = 8

B. Name the division rule. _____
Given that;
Al divides 8 oranges equally into 1 bowl
Therefore the number of oranges in each bowl is equal to 8 ÷ 1 = 8
The division rule is any number divided by 1 that gives the same number.

7. Bruce divides 2 oranges equally into 0 bowls. How many oranges are in 0 bowls?
A. Explain why you cannot solve. ______

Answer: The division rule is any number divided by 0 is undefined.

B. Name the division rule. ______
Given that;
Bruce divides 2 oranges equally into 0 bowl
Therefore the number of oranges in 0 bowls is 2 ÷ 0.
The division rule is any number cannot divide by 0.

Check Understanding Math Board

Question 1.
Rae divides 7 muffins equally onto 7 plates. How many muffins are on each plate? _____
Given that;
Rae divides 7 muffins equally onto 7 plates.
Therefore the number of muffins on each plate is 7 ÷ 7 = 1.

On Your Own

Question 2.
Model with Mathematics Otis has 8 books and 8 mailing envelopes. He puts an equal number of books in each envelope. How many books are in each envelope? Write a division equation. Solve.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 5
Given that;
Otis has 8 books and 8 mailing envelops.
He puts each book in an envelope.
The number of books in each envelope is 8 ÷ 8 = 1

Question 3.

Use Structure Agnes has 5 tomatoes and 0 plates. How many tomatoes can Agnes put on each plate? Explain.
Given that;
Agnes has 5 tomatoes and 0 plates.
Therefore 5 ÷ 0 = 0. so, there are no tomatoes on the plate.

Divide. Find the quotient.

Question 4.
__ = 2 ÷ 1
2 = 2 ÷ 1
Any number divided by 1 equal to that number.

Question 5.
5 ÷ 1 = _____
5 ÷ 1 = 5
Any number divided by 1 is equal to that number.

Question 6.
0 ÷ 9 = ___
0 ÷ 9 = 0
Zero is divided by any number it remains 0.

Question 7.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 6

Here the divisor is 3, the dividend is 3, the quotient is 1 and the remainder is 0.

Question 8.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 7

Here the divisor is 1, the dividend is 0, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 0.

Question 9.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 8

Here the divisor is 1, the dividend is 4, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 0.

Question 10.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 9

Here the divisor is 9, the dividend is 9, the quotient is 1 and the remainder is 0.

Question 11.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 10

Here the divisor is 6, the dividend is 0, the quotient is 0 and the remainder is 0.

Question 12.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 6 Lesson 7 Answer Key Apply Division Rules for 1 and 0 11

Here the divisor is 1, the dividend is 7, the quotient is 7 and the remainder is 0.

I’m in a Learning Mindset!

What strategies do I have for dividing with 1 and 0?
By dividing 1 with any number the answer is the same as the number.
By dividing 0 with another number the answer is undefined.

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