We included HMH Into Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Module 2 Lesson 2 Measure Area by Counting Unit Squares to make students experts in learning maths.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 2 Lesson 2 Answer Key Measure Area by Counting Unit Squares
I Can describe area. I can measure and describe the area of a figure in square units.
Spark Your Learning
Dom plans to use either large square tiles or small square tiles to cover a wall space without gaps or overlaps.
Show how Dom can cover the wall space.
How many large square tiles would Dom use? How many small square tiles would Dom use?
Dom plans to use either large square tiles or small square tiles to cover a wall space without gaps or overlaps
Dom uses 6 large tile or 24 small tiles to cover the wall.
Turn and Talk Why would Dom use more small tiles to cover the same wall space? Explain.
The area of the small tiles is less so Dom uses more number of small squares than large squares.
Build Understanding
1. Miwa thinks she needs six 1-inch square tiles to cover the rectangle below. Gregg thinks he needs ten 1-inch square tiles to cover the same rectangle.
Draw to show how the tiles might look.
A. Whose statement makes sense? Explain.
B. How many 1-inch square tiles would you use to cover the rectangle? How do you know?
Miwa thinks she needs six 1-inch square tiles to cover the rectangle below
Gregg thinks he needs ten 1-inch square tiles to cover the same rectangle
Both Miwa and Gregg’s statements are not correct
I covered the rectangle given above using 1-inch square
So, I used 8 1-inch squares to cover the rectangle.
Turn and Talk If there are gaps or overlaps of tiles, how would that change a measurement?
If there are gaps or overlaps of tiles the area will change, if there are gaps the area will increase and if tiles overlap the area will decrease.
Step It Out
2. Les is measuring the area of this figure using unit squares. Each unit square is 1 square inch.
What is the area of the figure?
A. Count the unit squares. You can write the numbers on the unit squares as you count them.
How many unit squares are in the figure?
B. What unit of measurement does Les use?
C. What is the area of the figure?
Les is measuring the area of this figure using unit squares
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 6 squares
1 unit square is 1 square inch
So, area of the shape is 6 square inches.
Turn and Talk If the unit of measurement is square centimeters instead of square inches, does Les use more or fewer unit squares to measure the figure? Explain.
Les uses same number of unit squares even though the unit of measurement changes.
Check Understanding Math Board
Question 1.
Ula draws this figure. Count to find the area of the figure. Each unit square is 1 square foot.
Area = ___ square feet
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 14 squares
1 unit square is 1 square feet
So, area of the shape is 14 square feet.
Question 2.
Lex draws this figure. Count to find the area of the figure. Each unit square is 1 square meter.
Area = ___ square meter
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 3 squares
1 unit square is 1 square meter
So, area of the shape is 3 square meter.
On Your Own
Question 3.
Attend to Precision Ginny places tiles on the kitchen floor shown. Each tile is 1 square foot. What is the area of the floor?
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 11 squares
1 unit square is 1 square feet
So, area of the shape is 11 square feet.
Count to find the area of the figure.
Question 4.
Area = ___ square centimeters
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 6 squares
1 unit square is 1 square centimeter
So, area of the shape is 6 square centimeters.
Question 5.
Area = ___ square centimeters
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 5 squares
1 unit square is 1 square centimeter
So, area of the shape is 5 square centimeters.
Question 6.
Area = ___ square centimeters
I counted and wrote the number of squares
The shape covers 8 squares
1 unit square is 1 square centimeter
So, area of the shape is 8 square centimeters.
Question 7.
Critique Reasoning Katy says that if there are gaps between the unit squares when you measure the area of a figure, the measurement will not be accurate. Is Katy correct? Explain your thinking.
Yes, Katy is correct.
If there are gaps or overlaps of tiles the area will change, if there are gaps the area will increase and if tiles overlap the area will decrease.
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