Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute

We included HMH Into Math Grade 3 Answer Key PDF Module 12 Lesson 1 Tell and Write Time to the Minute to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute

I Can tell and write time to the nearest minute.

Spark Your Learning

A movie is scheduled to start at 2:30, but it will now start 5 minutes later. At what time will the movie start?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 1
Show the time that the movie will start.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 2
The movie will start at __________.

The movie will start at 2 :35
A movie is scheduled to start at 2:30, but it will now start 5 minutes later.
2 hours 30 minutes + 5  minutes = 2 hours 35 minutes

Turn and Talk How is the time shown on the clock above different from the time shown on a digital clock?
Analog clocks indicate time with a traditional clock face, with moving hands. Digital clocks display a numeric representation of time

Build Understanding

Question 1.
Jose sees the clock when his class arrives at the fire department for a field trip.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 3
Find the time shown on the clock.
A. What does the hour hand show you?
Think: Between what two numbers is the hour hand pointing?
The hours hand is pointing towards the 12

B. How can you count the minutes on the clock?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 4
Answer: Count by fives
If the long hand moves by 1 it is one minute
the long hand moved to 2 after 4 points
that is 9 : 14

C. What time does the clock show?
Answer: 9 :14
If the long hand moves by 1 it is one minute
A minute is a unit used to measure short amounts of time.
In 1 minute, the minute hand moves from one mark to the next on an analog clock.
that is 9 : 14

D. What numbers can you write on the digital clock to show the time the class arrives?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 5

Connect to Vocabulary
A minute is a unit used to measure short amounts of time.
In 1 minute, the minute hand moves from one mark to the next on an analog clock.

E. What are two ways you can read the time?
nine __________ minutes after __________
nine 15 minutes after 9
and the other way is quarter past 9

Turn and Talk How can counting equal groups help you tell time?
A group is an equal group if it has the same number of items as all of the other groups.
Counting by 5,s help us to remember the time
1 hour = 60 minutes
they are divided by 5

Step It Out

Question 2.
Liz looks at this digital clock during a tour of the post office. What time does the clock show?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 6
A. Show the time on the analog clock.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 7

B. Write the hour.
Answer: 1

C. How many minutes after the hour does the minute hand show? Count on by fives and then by ones.
_________ minutes after __________
Answer: 47 minutes after 1

D. How many minutes before the hour does the minute hand show? Count by fives and then by ones in the opposite direction.
Think: You can count by fives from 12to 11, and from 11 to 10. Then count by ones.
_________ minutes before __________
10 minutes before 2

Turn and Talk Why are the hours allowed to be different for telling the same time?
There are two ways of telling the time in English – the 12-hour clock and the 24-hour clock. In the 24-hour clock, we use the numbers from 0 – 23 to indicate the hours.

Check Understanding

Question 1.
The time that a tour begins at a television news station is shown. At what time does the tour begin?
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 8
7 : 21
The tour begins at 7 hour 21 minutes
21 minutes after 7

On Your Own

Question 2.
Critique Reasoning Mitch says the clock shows that the time is 9:46. Explain why you agree or disagree with Mitch.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 9
No, he is wrong
The minute hand is after 8
that means 9 : 41
If The minute hand is after 9
that means 9 : 46

Question 3.
Attend to Precision Show the time 4:52 on the clock. Then write the time as after the hour and before the hour.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 10
_________ minutes after __________
_________ minutes before __________

52 minutes after 4
8 minutes before 5
the time as after the hour and before the hour.

Use Tools Write the time shown on the clock. Then write the time as after the hour or before the hour.

Question 4.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 11
7 : 58
58  minutes after 7
2 minutes before 8
the time as after the hour and before the hour.

Question 5.
HMH Into Math Grade 3 Module 12 Lesson 1 Answer Key Tell and Write Time to the Minute 12
5 : 07
7 minutes after 5
53 minutes before 6
the time as after the hour and before the hour.

I’m in a Learning Mindset!

Do I understand how to tell time to the nearest minute? Explain.
yes, I have understand the concept of time and how it is said
According to analog and digital clock.

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