Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time

We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 9 Lesson 2 Different Ways to Tell and Write Time to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time

I Can use different ways to write and say the time shown on a clock.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time 1

Spark Your Learning

How can you show the time on the clocks?
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time 2

Read the following: Sally eats dinner at 6:15. Jake gets home from soccer practice at 7:25. Connor starts to do his homework at 5:40. Children write the time on each digital and analog clock. Write the names Sally, Jake, and Connor on the board. Ask children to write a name under each analog clock to match each child with a time.

Build Understanding

Ji leaves school at 2:15. Show and say the time.

A. How can you show the time on the clocks?
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B. How can you say the time? There is more than one way to say the time on the clocks.
Fill in the blanks to show how.
____ minutes after ____
quarter past ____
15 minutes after 2
quarter past 2

Connect to Vocabulary
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15 minutes after 7 quarter post 7

Ross has a piano lesson at 5:15. Show and say the time.

A. How can you show the time on the clocks?
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B. How can you say the time? Fill in the blanks.
____ minutes after ___ quarter past ____
15 minutes after 5 quarter past 5

Turn and Talk How did you know where to draw the clock hands to show 5:15? Explain.
The hour hand shows at 5 and the minute hand shows at 3

Calvin gets picked up from school at 3:30. Show and say the time.

A. How can you show the time on the clocks?
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Connect to Vocabulary
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time 26
30 minutes after 1 half past 1

B. How can you say the time?
There is more than one way to say the time on the clocks. Fill in the blanks to show how.
_____ minutes after ___
half past ____
30 minutes after 3
half past 1

Eva eats dinner at 5:30. Show and say the time.

A. How can you show the time on the clocks?
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B. How can you say the time? Fill in the blanks to show how.
____ minutes after ____
half past _____
30 minutes after 5
half past 5

Step It Out

1. Caroline goes for a walk with her family at half past 12. Write the time on the clocks.

A. It is half past 12.
THINK: Half past is 30 minutes after.

B. Draw the minute hand.
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C. Draw the hour hand.
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D. Write the time on the clock.
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Check Understanding Math Board

Draw the clock hands to show the time. Write the time.

Question 1.
Sam eats a snack at quarter past 4.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Sam eats a snack at at 3 : 15

Question 2.
Les has lunch at half past 11.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Les has lunch at half past 11. is 11 : 30

Question 3.
Jill has a lesson at 20 minutes after 1.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Jill has a lesson at 20 minutes after 1. is 1 : 20

On Your Own

Use Structure Draw the clock hands to show the time. Write the time.

Question 4.
Josie gets home from school at 45 minutes after 3.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Josie gets home from school at 45 minutes after 3. is 3 : 45

Question 5.
Freddy finishes swimming at half post 7.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Freddy finishes swimming at half post 7. is 7 : 30

Question 6.
Alex does his homework at 10 minutes after 4.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Alex does his homework at 10 minutes after 4. is 4 : 10

Attend to Precision Write the time. Draw the clock hands to show the time.

Question 7.
Elise goes to the park at 35 minutes after 12.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Elise goes to the park at 35 minutes after 12. is 12 : 35

Question 8.
David goes for a bike ride at quarter past 1.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
David goes for a bike ride at quarter past 1. is 1 : 15

Question 9.
Sahil brushes his teeth at 40 minutes after 8.
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
Sahil brushes his teeth at 40 minutes after 8. is 8 : 40

On Your Own

Use Tools Draw the clock hands to show the time. Write the time.

Question 10.
quarter past 2
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
quarter past 2 is 2 : 15

Question 11.
half past 8
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
half past 8 is 8 : 30

Question 12.
20 minutes after 5
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
20 minutes after 5 is 5 : 20

Question 13.
50 minutes after 11
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
50 minutes after 11 is 11 : 50

Question 14.
35 minutes after 5
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The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
35 minutes after 5 is 5 : 35

Question 15.
quarter past 3
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 9 Lesson 2 Answer Key Different Ways to Tell and Write Time 23

The short hand represent the hour and
the long hand represents the minute
quarter past 3 is 3 : 15

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