Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins

We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 7 Coins to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins 1
Business owner

A business owner starts with a dream and works hard to make it come true. Some business owners invent new products. Others open restaurants or stores, or think of new ways to make things. Business owners must know how to use money, set goals, and manage time.

Stem Task:
Look at the picture. Discuss with a partner ways a business owner manages time and handles money.

Learning Mindset
Bounce Back Monitors
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins 2

How do you know where to start when you learn something new? One way is to pay attention to what you already know. Then think about what you do not know yet. When you first learned to odd, you already knew how to count. You used a skill you already had to learn a new skill!


What do you already know about time and money that could help you become a successful business owner?

To become a successful business owner, we need to have good planning and organize things that are helpful for our work.

What else would you need to learn to become a successful business owner?

To become a successful business owner we need to accept failure also, as we won’t get successful every time we need patience to get success.

Plenty of Pennies

Kaia counts her pennies. Circle each group of five pennies. Count by fives to find the total number of pennies.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins 3

25 pennies.

There are 5 groups of 5 pennies which is 5×5 = 25 pennies.

Turn and Talk
How many groups of 10 pennies equal 100 pennies?

We need 10 groups of 10 pennies which are equal to 100 pennies.

Are You Ready?
Complete these problems to review prior concepts and skills you will need for this module.

Explore Place Value to 100

Question 1.
Write how many tens and ones. Write the number.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 7 Answer Key Coins 4
8 tens and 8 ones.

There are 8 tens and 8 ones. So the total will be 80+8 which is 88.

Count by Tens

Question 2.
Use the hundred chart to count by tens. Write the numbers.
Start at 10.
____, ___, ____
____, ___, ____
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The count of hundreds is 10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100.

Count by Fives

Question 3.
Count by fives. Write how many.
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25 apples.

There are 5 groups of 5 apples which is 5×5 = 25 apples.

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