Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies

We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 11 Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies

Decisions, Decisions

Viola needs 16 crayons. Which two boxes of crayons should she buy? Write equations to show two ways to make 16 crayons.
Draw or write to explain how you solved the problem.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies 1
____9_____ crayons + ____7_____ crayons = 16 crayons
____8_____ crayons + _____8____ crayons = 16 crayons
9 crayons + 7 crayons = 16 crayons,
8 crayons + 8 crayons = 16 crayons,

Given Viola needs 16 crayons.
Two boxes of crayons should she buy so
equations to show two ways to make 16 crayons,
First if we take 9 crayons box
we need 16 – 9 = 7 crayon box and
if we take 8 crayons we need
16-8 = 8 crayon box so the equations are
9 crayons + 7 crayons = 16 crayons,
8 crayons + 8 crayons = 16 crayons.

Turn and Talk

Explain why 7 + 5 = 12 and 5 + 7 = 12 are related addition facts.
What are the related subtraction facts?
Addition facts is 7 + 5 = 12 and 5 + 7 = 12,
Subtraction facts are 12 – 7 = 5 and 12 – 5 = 7,

“Fact Family is a collection of related addition and
subtraction facts, or made from the same numbers or
group of math facts or equations created using the
same set of numbers . Addition facts is 7 + 5 = 12 and
5 + 7 = 12, Subtraction facts are 12 – 7 = 5 and 12 – 5 = 7.

Are You Ready?

Complete these problems to review prior concepts and
skills you will need for this module.

Represent Adding Tens
Draw to show the problem. Solve.

Question 1.
Shanna has 30 animal stickers. She has 20 flower stickers.
How many stickers does Shanna have?
_____50_____ stickers
Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies-1
50 stickers,

Given Shanna has 30 animal stickers. She has 20 flower stickers.
So number of stickers does Shanna have are adding
30 + 20 = 50 stickers.

Represent Subtracting Tens
Draw to show the problem. Solve.

Question 2.
Matt has 60 buttons. He gives 20 buttons to a friend.
How many buttons does he have now?
____40_____ buttons
Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies-2
40 buttons,

Given Matt has 60 buttons. He gives 20 buttons to a friend.
So many buttons does he have now are by substarcting
60 – 20 = 40 buttons.

Tens and Ones

Question 3.
Write the number. Then write the number of tens and ones.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 11 Answer Key Addition and Subtraction Grouping Strategies 2
__56_____ = ____5____ tens ____6____ ones
Number is 56, 5 tens and 6 ones,

If we count there are 5 tens and 6 ones so
the number is 56.

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