Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line

We included HMH Into Math Grade 2 Answer Key PDF Module 10 Lesson 2 Use a Number Line to make students experts in learning maths.

HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line

I Can add or subtract by counting on or counting back on a number line.

Spark Your Learning

Find the answer to Deja’s riddle.
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line 1
HMH Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line 2
Number: ___40______
Deja is solving a riddle. Deja’s riddle says: I am a number that is 1 ten and 6 ones more than 24. What number am I? Use the number line to find the answer to Deja’s riddle.
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The number is 40,

Given Deja is solving a riddle.
Deja’s riddle says: I am a number that is 1 ten and
6 ones more than 24 using the number line moving 1 ten
and 6 ones counting on we get 40, therefore the number is 40.

Build Understanding

Question 1.
Jasmine scored 82 on her first spelling test. On her second spelling test, Jasmine scored 15 points more than on her first test. What did Jasmine score on her second spelling test? Use the tools below to solve.
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A. Show Jasmine’s first test score in the chart and on the number line.
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Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line-2
Given Jasmine scored 82 on her first spelling test,
Shown Jasmine’s first test score in the chart and
on the number line above.

B. How many more points did Jasmine score on her second test?
__15__ points
15 points,

On her second spelling test, Jasmine scored 15 points
more than on her first test.

C. Show how to add in the chart and on the number line.
Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line-3
In the chart circled 82 and counted forwared 15 numbers
and added, On number line starting from 82 moved
15 numbers forward reached 97 as shown above.

D. Solve. Complete the equation to show what Jasmine scored on her second spelling test.
__82__ + __15_____ = ___97_____
82 + 15 = 97, Jasmine scored 97 on her
second spelling test,

Given Jasmine scored 82 on her first spelling test.
On her second spelling test, Jasmine scored 15 points
more than on her first test. So Jasmine score on her
second spelling test is 82 + 15 = 97, therefore
Jasmine scored 97 on her second spelling test.

Turn and Talk How does thinking of 15 as 1 ten 5 ones
help you solve the problem?

It made counting easy,

Instead of counting continuosly 15 thought of
15 as 1 ten and 5 ones which made counting easy.

Question 2.
There are 36 ducks swimming in the pond. 24 ducks fly away.
Now how many ducks are swimming in the pond?
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You can show this problem on an open number line.
This open number line does not have tick marks.
It only shows the number you start with.
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A. How many ducks are swimming in the pond?
Find the number on the number line.
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Given there are 36 ducks swimming in the pond,
Found the number on the number line above.

B. How many ducks fly away?
___24____ ducks
24 ducks fly away,

Given there are 36 ducks swimming in the pond.
24 ducks fly away.

C. Count back by tens and ones to show how many ducks fly away.
Show your work on the number line.
Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line-5
Counted back 24 from 36 shown on the number line.

D. Solve,
____12____ ducks swimming now
36 -24 = 12,

Solved given 36 ducks swimming in the pond.
24 ducks fly away, the equation as 36 – 24 =12,
therefore 12 ducks are swimming now.

Turn and Talk How is working with an open number line helpful?
Directly helpful,

In an open number line we directly point the given
values and solve not by counting forward or backward.

Check Understanding

Use a number line. Solve.
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Question 1.
There are 47 pencils in a box. 13 children each take a pencil. How many pencils are still in the box?
__34______ pencils
Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line-6
There are 34 pencils still in the box,

Given there are 47 pencils in a box.
13 children each take a pencil.
Number of pencils are still in the box by using
number line starting from 47 and moving back
13 we are at 34 means still there are 34 pencils
still in the box.

Question 2.
John has 31 marbles. He finds 17 more marbles.
How many marbles does John have now?
___48_____ marbles
Into Math Grade 2 Module 10 Lesson 2 Answer Key Use a Number Line-7
Given John has 31 marbles. He finds 17 more marbles,
So on number line we start at 31 and count forward 17
we get 48 so there are 31 + 17 = 48 marbles.

On Your Own

Question 3.
Use Structure There are 13 second graders and 14 third graders in an art club. How many children are ¡n the club? Use tens and ones to solve. Show your work.
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___27_____ children
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Given there are 13 second graders and 14
third graders in an art club. Using number line started
with 13 and counting on 14 reached 27, therefore
there are 27 children in the club.


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Question 4.
73 + 15 = ___88_____
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Given to solve 73 + 15 first we start from 73
on number line and counting on 15 move forward
we get 88.

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Question 5.
49 – 11 = __38___
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Given to solve 49 -11 first we start from 49
on number line and counting back 11 move back
we get 38.

I’m in a Learning Mindset!

What helps me finish my work?
Chart and number line,

Counting on and back on the chart and number line
helped me to finish my work.

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