Are you feeling difficulty in understanding the parts of a fraction? This article gives you clear information about the identification of the parts of a fraction. Here you will come across terminology like numerator, denominator. It also includes the definition of the fraction. You can also see examples of fractions of shaded parts and unshaded parts. This article gives you a basic understanding of identifying the parts of a fraction.
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Fraction – Definition
Fraction is defined as a part of a whole or collection. For example when you cut the fruit each part of the fruit is considered as a fraction of the fruit.
How to Identify Parts of a Fraction?
Here we will identify the parts of a fraction. By seeing the fraction we can tell how many parts a whole has been divided and the part which is considered out of the whole. Examples of the fraction are \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \),\(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \),\(\frac { 5 }{ 7 } \) etc.
Fraction has two parts separated by a line called the solidus. The upper part is called the numerator and the lower part is called the denominator. The numerator tells us how many parts have been considered out of the total equally divided parts. The denominator describes how many parts a whole has been divided.
The denominator of the fraction can not be zero. The value of the fraction does not change if the numerator and the denominator are multiplied or divided by the same number.
Identifying Fractions Examples
Example 1:
Find the fractions of shaded parts of the circle and the fractions of unshaded parts of the circle?
Consider the circle as a whole. It is divided into eight parts. Four parts are shaded and four parts are unshaded. The fraction of the shaded part is \(\frac { 4 }{ 8 } \). Here 4, the denominator represents the shaded region and 8 represents the equal parts of the circle.
The fraction of the unshaded part is \(\frac { 4 }{ 8 } \). Here 4, the numerator represents the unshaded part of the circle and 8 represents the equal parts of the circle.
Example 2:
Consider the rectangle and find the fractions of shaded parts of the rectangle and unshaded parts of the rectangle?
Consider the rectangle as a whole. Here the rectangle is divided into 16 equal parts.
Five parts are shaded. eleven parts are not shaded. The fraction of shaded parts is \(\frac { 5 }{ 16 } \).The numerator 5 represents the shaded region and the denominator16 represents the equal parts of the rectangle.
The fraction of unshaded parts is \(\frac { 11 }{ 16 } \). The numerator 11 represents the unshaded parts of the rectangle and the denominator 16 represents the equal parts of the rectangle.
Example 3:
In the below circle find the fractions of shaded parts and unshaded parts of the circle?
Here the circle is considered as a whole. The circle is divided into four equal parts. Two parts of the circle are shaded. Two parts of the circle are not shaded. The fraction of the shaded part of the circle is \(\frac { 2 }{ 4 } \). The numerator 2 represents the shaded parts and 4 represents all equal parts of the circle.
The fraction of the unshaded part of the circle is \(\frac { 2 }{ 4 } \). The numerator 2 represents the unshaded parts and 4 represents all equal parts of the circle.