Express a Number

How to Express a Number in the Expanded Form?

Number Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
852 8 5 2
705 7 0 5
9854 9 8 5 4
42980 4 2 9 8 0

Writing numbers in Expanded Form and Words

Number Expanded Form in Words
852 800+50+2 Eight Hundred Fifty Two
705 700+5 Seven Hundred Five
9854 9000+800+50+4 Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Four
42980 40000+2000+900+80 Forty Two Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty

Smallest Numbers and Greatest Numbers

Smallest one Digit Number 1 – The smallest digit is 1.
Greatest One Digit Number 9 – The greatest digit is 9.
Smallest Two Digit Number 10 – The smallest digit is 1. We write a zero for each of the other places. So, the smallest 2 digit number is 10.
Greatest Two Digit Number 99 – The greatest digit is 9. We write nine for each of the other places. So, the greatest 2 digit number is 99.
Smallest Three Digit Number 100 – The smallest digit is 1. We write a zero for each of the other places. So, the smallest 3 digit number is 100.
Greatest Three Digit Number 999 – The greatest digit is 9. We write nine for each of the other places. So, the greatest 3 digit number is 999.
Smallest Four Digit Number 1000 – The smallest digit is 1. We write a zero for each of the other places. So, the smallest 4 digit number is 1000.
Greatest Four Digit Number 9999 – The greatest digit is 9. We write nine for each of the other places. So, the greatest 4 digit number is 9999.
Smallest Five Digit Number 10000 – The smallest digit is 1. We write a zero for each of the other places. So, the smallest 5 digit number is 10000.
Greatest Five Digit Number 99999 – The greatest digit is 9. We write nine for each of the other places. So, the greatest 5 digit number is 99999.

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