Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key

Engage NY Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key

Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key

Cut out the picture of the string at the bottom of the page. Compare the string with each object to see which is longer. Use the line next to each object to help you compare. Color objects shorter than the string green. Color objects longer than the string orange.
Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key 1

In the above picture I colored the objects shorter than the string green and the objects longer than the string red.

On the back of your paper, draw something longer than, shorter than, and the same length as the picture of the string. Color objects shorter than the string green. Color objects longer than the string orange.
Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key 2

I drew a pencil longer than a string, a crayon same length of string and a eraser shorter than the string.

Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 3 Lesson 2 Homework Answer Key

Using the piece of string from class, find three items at home that are shorter than your piece of string and three items that are longer than your piece of string. Draw a picture of those objects on the chart. Try to find at least one thing that is about the same length as your string, and draw a picture of it on the back.

Shorter than the string Longer than the string



Explanation:A book, ball and crayon are shorter than the string and a floervase, chair and mirror are longer than the string.

A teddybear is of same length of the string.

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