Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Answer Key

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Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Example Answer Key

Example 1:
Take It to the Bank
Read Example 1 silently. In the first column, write down any words and definitions you know. In the second column, write down any words you do not know.

For Tim’s 13th birthday, he received $150 in cash from his mom. His dad took him to the bank to open a savings account. Tim gave the cash to the banker to deposit into the account. The banker credited Tim’s new account $150 and gave Tim a receipt. One week later, Tim deposited another $25 that he had earned as allowance. The next month, Tim’s dad gave him permission to withdraw $35 to buy a new video game. Tim’s dad explained that the bank would charge a $5 fee for each withdrawal from the savings account and that each withdrawal and charge results in a debit to the account.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Example Answer Key 1
In the third column, write down any new words and definitions that you learn during the discussion.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Example Answer Key 2

Example 2:
How Hot, How Cold?
Temperature is commonly measured using one of two scales, Celsius or Fahrenheit. In the United States, the Fahrenheit system continues to be the accepted standard for nonscientific use. All other countries have adopted Celsius as the primary scale in use. The thermometer shows how both scales are related.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Example Answer Key 6

a. The boiling point of water is 100°C. Where is loo degrees Celsius located on the thermometer to the right?
It is not shown because the greatest temperature shown in Celsius is 50°C.

b. On a vertical number line, describe the position of the integer that represents 100°C.
The integer is 100, and it would be located 100 units above zero on the Celsius side of the scale.

c. Write each temperature as an integer.
i. The temperature shown on the thermometer in degrees Fahrenheit:

ii. The temperature shown on the thermometer in degrees Celsius:

iii. The freezing point of water in degrees Celsius:

d. If someone tells you your body temperature is 98. 6°, what scale is being used? How do you know?
Since water boils at 100°C, they must be using the Fahrenheit scale.

e. Does the temperature 0 degrees mean the same thing on both scales?
No. 0°C corresponds to 32°F, and 0°F corresponds to approximately – 18°C.

Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise Answer Key

Exercise 1.
Read Example 1 again. With your partner, number the events in the story problem. Write the number above each sentence to show the order of the events.
For Tim’s 13” birthday, he received $150 in cash from his mom. His dad took him to the bank to open a savings account.

Tim gave the cash to the banker to deposit into the account. The banker credited Tim’s new account $150 and gave Tim

a receipt. One week later, Tim deposited another $25 that he had earned as allowance. The next month, Tim’s dad gave

him permission to withdraw $35 to buy a new video game. Tim’s dad explained that the bank would charge a $5 fee for

each withdrawal from the savings account and that each withdrawal and charge results in a debit to the account.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise Answer Key 3

Exercise 2.
Write each individual description below as an integer. Model the integer on the number line using an appropriate scale.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise Answer Key 4
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exercise Answer Key 5

Exercise 3.
Write each word under the appropriate column, “Positive Number” or “Negative Number.”
Gain Loss Deposit Credit Debit Charge Below Zero Withdraw Owe Receive

Positive Number Negative Number
Gain Debit
Deposit Charge
Credit Below Zero
Receive Withdraw

Exercise 4.
Write an integer to represent each of the following situations:
a. A company loses $345, 000 in 2011.
– 345, 000

b. You earned $25 for dog sitting.

c. Jacob owes his dad $5.
– 5

d. The temperature at the sun’s surface is about 5, 500°C
5, 500

e. The temperature outside is 4 degrees below zero.
– 4

f. A football player lost 10 yards when he was tackled.
– 10

Exercise 5.
Describe a situation that can be modeled by the integer – 15. Explain what zero represents in the situation.
Answers will vary. I owe my best friend $15. in this situation, 0 represents my owing nothing to my best friend.

Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Express each situation as an integer in the space provided.
a. A gain of 56 points in a game

b. A fee charged of $2
– 2

c. A temperature of 32 degrees below zero
– 32

d. A 56-yard loss in a football game
– 56

e. The freezing point of water in degrees Celsius

f. A $12,500 deposit

For Problems 2 – 5, use the thermometer to the right.

Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key 8

Question 2.
Each sentence is stated incorrectly. Rewrite the sentence to correctly describe each situation.
a. The temperature is – 1o degrees Fahrenheit below zero.
Correct: The temperature is – 10°F.
The temperature is 10 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.

b. The temperature is – 22 degrees Celsius below zero.
Correct: The temperature is – 22°C.
The temperature is 22 degrees below zero Celsius.

Question 3.
Mark the integer on the thermometer that corresponds to the temperature given.
a. 70°F
b. 12°C
c. 110°F
d. – 4°C
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key 7

Question 4.
The boiling point of water is 2 12°F. Can this thermometer be used to record the temperature of a boiling pot of water? Explain.
No, it cannot because the highest temperature in Fahrenheit on this thermometer is 120°.

Question 5.
Kaylon shaded the thermometer to represent a temperature of 20 degrees below zero Celsius as shown in the diagram. Is she correct? Why or why not? If necessary, describe how you would fix Kaylon’s shading.
She is incorrect because she shaded a temperature of – 20°F. I would fix this by marking a line segment at – 20°C and shade up to that line.

Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 3 Lesson 2 Exit Ticket Answer Key 9

Question 1.
Write a story problem that includes both integers – 8 and 12.
Answers may vary. One boxer gains 12 pounds of muscle to train for a fight. Another boxer loses 8 pounds of fat.

Question 2.
What does zero represent in your story problem?
Zero represents no change in the boxer’s weight.

Question 3.
Choose an appropriate scale to graph both integers on the vertical number line. Label the scale.
I chose a scale of 1.

Question 4.
Graph both points on the vertical number line.
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