Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 2 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key

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Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 2 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key

Question 1.
Yasmine is having a birthday party with snacks and activities for her guests. At one table, five people are sharing three-quarters of a pizza. What equal-sized portion of the whole pizza will each of the five people receive?
a. Use a model (e.g., picture, number line, or manipulative materials) to represent the quotient.
Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 2 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key 3

b. Write a number sentence to represent the situation. Explain your reasoning.
Because there are 5 people, we found I out of the 5, which is \(\frac{1}{5}\). I can represent the situation as:
\(\frac{3}{2}\) ÷ 5 = \(\frac{3}{4}\) . \(\frac{1}{5}\) = \(\frac{3}{20}\)

c. If three-quarters of the pizza provided 12 pieces to the table, how many pieces were in the pizza when it was full? Support your answer with models.
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Question 2.
Yasmine needs to create invitations for the party. She has \(\frac{3}{4}\) of an hour to make the invitations. It takes her \(\frac{1}{12}\) of an hour to make each card. How many invitations can Yasmine create?
a. Use a number line to represent the quotient.
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b. Draw a model to represent the quotient.
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c. Compute the quotient without models. Show your work.
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Question 3.
Yasmine is serving ice cream with the birthday cake at her party. She has purchased 19\(\frac{1}{2}\) pints of ice cream. She will serve \(\frac{3}{4}\) of a pint to each guest.
a. How many guests can be served ice cream?
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b. Will there be any ice cream left? Justify your answer.
My answer, 26, is a whole number, so there will be no ice cream left over. If my answer was 26\(\frac{1}{4}\) or any mixed number, there would be ice cream left over.

Question 4.
L.B. Johnson Middle School held a track and field event during the school year. Miguel took part in a four person shot put team. Shot put is a track and field event where athletes throw (or “put”) a heavy sphere, called a “shot,” as far as possible. To determine a team score, the distances of all team members are added. The team with the greatest score wins first place. The current winning team’s final score at the shot put is 52.08 ft. Miguel’s teammates threw the shot put the following distances: 12.26 ft., 12.82 ft., and 13.75 ft. Exactly how many feet will Miguel need to throw the shot put in order to tie the current first-place score? Show your work.
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Eureka Math Grade 6 Module 2 Mid Module Assessment Answer Key 9
Miguel will need to throw the shot put 13.25 feet to he the current first place score.

Question 5.
The sand pit for the long jump has a width of 2.75 meters and a length of 9.54 meters. Just in case it rains, the principal wants to cover the sand pit with a piece of plastic the night before the event. How many square meters of plastic will the principal need to cover the sand pit?
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Question 6.
The chess club is selling drinks during the track and field event. The club purchased water, juice boxes, and pouches of lemonade for the event. They spent $138.52 on juice boxes and $75.00 on lemonade. The club purchased three cases of water. Each case of water costs $6.80. What ¡s the total cost of the drinks?
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