Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key

Engage NY Eureka Math 4th Grade Module 1 Lesson 9 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1 Lesson 9 Problem Set Answer Key

Question 1.
Round to the nearest thousand.
a. 5,300 ≈ ______________________
b. 4,589 ≈ _______________________
c. 42,099 ≈ _____________________
d. 801,504 ≈ _____________________
e. Explain how you found your answer for Part (d).
Looking at the image you can notice that the given number is above the mid point of the both the number 801,000 and 802,000. Since it is above the mid point it is nearest to 802,000.

Question 2.
Round to the nearest ten thousand.
a. 26,000 ≈ _____________________
b. 34,920 ≈ ______________________
c. 789,091 ≈ ____________________
d. 706,286 ≈ _____________________
e. Explain why two problems have the same answer. Write another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.
Problem a, b have the same answer because since its a ten thousand difference. The given two numbers 26,000  is above the mid point of 20,000 and 30,000 and 34,920 are below the mid points of 30,000 and 40,000. So, they have the same answer 30,000 as the nearest ten thousand .
The another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest ten thousand is
27,000, 28,000, 29,000 And 33,920 ,32,920, 31,920, 30,920.

Question 3.
Round to the nearest hundred thousand.
a. 840,000 ≈ _____________________
b. 850,471 ≈ _____________________
c. 761,004 ≈ _____________________
d. 991,965 ≈ _____________________
e. Explain why two problems have the same answer. Write another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.
Problem a, c have the same answer because since its a hundred thousand difference. The given two numbers 840,000  is below the mid point of 800,000 and 900,000 and 761,004 are above the mid points of 700,000 and 800,000. So, they have the same answer 800,000 as the nearest hundred thousand .
The another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest ten thousand is
849,999 to 800,001 and 750,001 to 799,999 all the numbers between are nearest to 800,000

Question 4.
Solve the following problems using pictures, numbers, or words.
a. The 2012 Super Bowl had an attendance of just 68,658 people. If the headline in the newspaper the next day read, “About 70,000 People Attend Super Bowl,” how did the newspaper round to estimate the total number of people in attendance?
Number of people attended The 2012 Super Bowl are = 68,658
The headline in the newspaper the next day read = 70,000 people attended the Super Bowl.
The newspaper has rounded the number to the nearest ten thousand.
As you can notice the number 68,658 is above the mid point of the 60,000 and 70,000. That’s why the number is rounded to 70,000.

b. The 2011 Super Bowl had an attendance of 103,219 people. If the headline in the newspaper the next day read, “About 200,000 People Attend Super Bowl,” is the newspaper’s estimate reasonable? Use rounding to explain your answer.
The attendance of The 2011 Super Bowl was = 103,219 people.
The headline in the newspaper the next day read, “About 200,000 People Attend Super Bowl,”
which is not reasonable.
According to the news paper headlines the attendance of the people was rounded to the nearest hundred thousand , but the nearest hundred thousand for 103,219 would be 100,000.
c. According to the problems above, about how many more people attended the Super Bowl in 2011 than in 2012? Round each number to the largest place value before giving the estimated answer.
In 2011 the people attended the Super Bowl were = 103,219 = 100,000
In 2012 the people attended the Super Bowl were =   68,658 =   70,000
now to find the difference in the attendance of people in both the year =
100,000 – 70,000  = 30,000.
Their was a difference of 30,000 people.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1 Lesson 9 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Question 1.
Round 765,903 to the given place value:
Thousand __________________
Ten thousand __________________
Hundred thousand __________________
Round 765,903 to the given place value:
Thousand __________________
Ten thousand __________________
Hundred thousand __________________

Question 2.
There are 16,850 Star coffee shops around the world. Round the number of shops to the nearest thousand and ten thousand. Which answer is more accurate? Explain your thinking using pictures, numbers, or words.
Number of Star coffee shops around the world are = 16,850
According to the above image 17,000 is more accurate. The nearest thousand value is more accurate.

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1 Lesson 9 Homework Answer Key

Question 1.
Round to the nearest thousand.
a. 6,842 ≈ ______________________
b. 2,722 ≈ _______________________
c. 16,051 ≈ _____________________
d. 706,421 ≈ _____________________
d. 706,421 ≈ __706,000___________________
e. Explain how you found your answer for Part (d).

Question 2.
Round to the nearest ten thousand.
a. 88,999 ≈ ______________________
a. 88,999 ≈ 90,000
b. 85,001 ≈ ______________________
b. 85,001 ≈ 90,000
c. 789,091 ≈ _____________________
c. 789,091 ≈ 790,000
d. 905,154 ≈ _____________________
d. 905,154 ≈ 910,000
e. Explain why two problems have the same answer. Write another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest ten thousand.
Problem a, b have the same answer because since its a ten thousand difference. The given two numbers 88,999  ,  85,001 are above the mid points So, they have the same answer.
The another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest ten thousand is 86,345, 87,123, 88,456, 89,789.

Question 3.
Round to the nearest hundred thousand.
a. 89,659 ≈ ______________________
89,659 ≈ 100,000
b. 751,447 ≈ _____________________
751,447 ≈ 800,000
c. 617,889 ≈ _____________________
617,889 ≈  600,000
d. 817,245 ≈ _____________________
817,245 ≈ 800,000
e. Explain why two problems have the same answer. Write another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand.
Problem b, d have the same answer because since its a hundred thousand difference. The given two numbers 751,447  is above the mid points , 817,245 is below the mid point .So, they have the same answer.
The another number that has the same answer when rounded to the nearest hundred thousand is  752,447 , 763,447, 771,447  , 781,447 , 791,447 and 827,245 , 837,245 , 847,245.

Question 4.
Solve the following problems using pictures, numbers, or words.
a. At President Obama’s inauguration in 2013, the newspaper headlines stated there were about 800,000 people in attendance. If the newspaper rounded to the nearest hundred thousand, what is the largest number and smallest number of people who could have been there?
Number of people who attended At President Obama’s inauguration in 2013 by newspaper headlines are =  800,000
The largest number of people who could have been there are 849,999 people.
The smallest number of people who could have been there are 750,000 people.
b. At President Bush’s inauguration in 2005, the newspaper headlines stated there were about 400,000 people in attendance. If the newspaper rounded to the nearest ten thousand, what is the largest number and smallest number of people who could have been there?
Number of people who attended President Bush’s inauguration in 2005 by newspaper headlines are =  400,000
The newspaper rounded to the nearest ten thousand,  the largest number was 404,999 people and smallest number was 395,000 of people who could have been there
c. At President Lincoln’s inauguration in 1861, the newspaper headlines stated there were about 30,000 people in attendance. If the newspaper rounded to the nearest thousand, what is the largest number and smallest number of people who could have been there?
Number of people who attended At President Lincoln’s inauguration in 1861 by newspaper headlines are 30,000
the newspaper rounded to the nearest thousand
the largest number  of people who could have been there were =30,499
the smallest number  of people who could have been there were =29,500

Eureka Math Grade 4 Module 1 Answer Key

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