Converting Fractions to Decimals

Converting Fractions to Decimals Examples | How to Convert Fractions to Decimals?

Converting Fractions to Decimals means you need to press the fractional numbers in the form of exact decimals. You can use different methods like just divide the numerator by the denominator of the fraction apply the long division method or any other simple method. Check out those different forms of converting a fraction into a decimal and apply the best one to get the answers quickly and effortlessly.

What is meant by a Fraction?

The fraction is a part of the whole number and it is also expressed as a ratio of two numbers. The form of the fraction is a/b where ais the numerator, b is the denominator and it is not equal to 0. The different types of fractions are mixed, proper, improper fractions. A fraction is also known as the rational number.

Examples: 2/5, 10/8, 120/150.

What is meant by a Decimal?

A decimal is a number that has a dot or point in between the digits. In simple words, we can say that decimals are fractions with denominators as multiples of 10.

Examples: 5.26, 1.25, 0.06

Methods of Converting Fractions to Decimals

The three different ways of converting fractions to decimals are mentioned here.

Method 1: Divide the numerator by denominator

  • Get the fraction or mixed fraction
  • Convert the mixed fraction into a fraction
  • Just divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator
  • While dividing add a dot to the quotient when you reach a point where the remainder is lesser than the divisor.


Convert 1/4 into decimal form

1/4 = 0.25

Method 2: Multiply both numerators, denominators by the same number 

  • Identify the fraction, you need to convert to the decimal number.
  • Multiply the denominator of the fraction by some number to get the denominator as the multiple of 10.
  • Find that number and multiply both the numerator and denominator by the same number.
  • Then, you will get the denominator as the multiple of 10.
  • After that, mark the decimal point after one place or two places or three places from right towards left if the given fraction’s denominator is 10 or 100 or 1000 respectively.


Convert 1/4 into the decimal form?

Given fraction is 1/4

1/4 = (1 x 25)/(4 x 25) = 25/100

= 0.25

Method 3: Using Long Division

  • Find the fractional number.
  • Divide the numerator of the fraction by denominator using the long division.
  • Then, you will get the decimal number as a quotient.


Convert 1/4 into the decimal form?

Given fraction is 1/4

Divide 1/4 using long division.

Converting Fractions To Decimals

So, 1/4 = 0.25

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Example Questions on Fractions to Decimal Conversion

Example 1:

Convert the following fractions to decimals.

(i) 9(1/2)

(ii) 14/5

(iii) 125/6


(i) The given mied fraction is 9(1/2)

= 19/2

= 9.5 using the division method

So, 9(1/2) = 9.5

(ii) The given fraction is 14/5

Multiply both numerator and denominator by 2

= (14 x 2)/(5 x 2)

= 28/10

= 2.8

So, 14/5 = 2.8

(iii) The given fraction is 125/6

Using the long division method

Converting Fractions To Decimals 1

So, 125/6 = 20.83333

Example 2:

Convert the following fractions to decimals.

(i) 3/10

(ii) 101/100

(iii) 856/9


(i) The given fraction is 3/10

As the denominator is the multiple of 10, add point to the numerator.

So, 3/10 = 0.3

(ii) The given fraction is 101/100

As the denomintaor is 100, add point after two digits from the left side

So, 101/00 = 1.01

(iii) The given fraction is 856/9

Using the long division method

Converting Fractions To Decimals 2

So, 856/9 = 95.11111

Example 3:

Convert the following fractions to decimals.

(i) 18/7

(ii) 2/5

(iii) 3/5


(i) The given fraction is 18/7

Using the long division method

Converting Fractions To Decimals 3

So, 18/7 = 2.571428571

(ii) The given fraction is 2/5

Multiply both numerator and denominator by 2

2/5 = (2 x 2)/(5 x 2)

= 4/10 = 0.4

So, 2/5 = 0.4

(iii) The given fraction is 3/5

Multiply both numerator and denominator by 2

3/5 = (3 x 2)/(5 x 2)

= 6/10 = 0.6

So, 3/5 = 0.6

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