Learn about Changing Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals by going through this article. Know the Procedure on How to Convert, Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals explained with solved examples here. We can change Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals by simply adding the required number of Zeros on the extreme right side of the decimal so that the value doesn’t alter.
Also, See: Like and Unlike Decimals
How to Convert Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals?
We follow the Annexing Zeros on the Extreme Right Side of the Decimal Method. Follow the simple procedure listed below to change Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals. They are along the lines
- The first and foremost step is to find the decimal number having maximum number of decimal places say(n)
- Now change the decimals to their equivalent decimals that have the same number of decimal places with the highest number of decimal places.
Solved Examples on Changing Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals
1. Convert the following unlike decimals into like decimals: 83.439, 164.2, 427.23
In the Given Decimals 83.439, 164.2, 427.23 we observe that the Decimal Number 83.439 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 3
Therefore, to change the given unlike decimals to like decimals we convert all of them into like decimals having three places of decimal.
83.439Â is already having 3 decimal places thus it remains the sameâž™ 83.439
164.2 âž™ 164.200
427.23 âž™ 427.230
Therefore, 83.439, 164.200, 427.230 are all expressed as Like Decimals.
2. Covert the following unlike decimals 3.72, 24.361, 3.32, and 0.7 into like decimals?
Given Decimal Numbers are 3.72, 24.361, 3.32, and 0.7
We observe that 24.361 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 3
Thus, we can change the given unlike decimals to like decimals we covert all of them into like decimals having three places of decimal
3.72 âž™ 3.720
24.361 âž™ 24.361
3.32 âž™ 3.320
0.7 âž™ 0.700
Therefore, 3.720, 24.361, 3.320, 0.700 are all expressed as Like Decimals.
3. Check whether the following decimals are like or unlike and if not so Convert them to Like Decimals?
33.04, 84.32, 105.432
Given Decimals are 33.04, 84.32, 105.4326
We observe that the decimal number 105.432 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 4
Thus, we annex with zeros on the right side of the decimal part to make them all like decimals
33.04 âž™ 33.0400
84.32 âž™ 84.3200
105.4326 ➙105.4326
Therefore, 33.0400, 84.3200, 105.4326 are all expressed as Like Decimals.
4. Convert 0.4444, 147.03, 65.4 to Like Decimals
Given Decimal Numbers are 0.4444, 147.03, 65.4
We observe the decimal number 0.4444 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 4
Thus, we annex with zeros on the right side of the decimal part to make them all like decimals
0.4444 âž™ 0.4444
147.03 âž™ 147.0300
65.4 âž™ 65.4000
Therefore, 0.4444, 147.0300, 65.4000 are all expressed as Like Decimals.