Comparison of Four Digit Numbers

Comparison of Four Digit Numbers | How to Compare Four Digit Numbers? | Ascending and Descending Order of 4 Digit Numbers

By visiting this page you can have plenty of knowledge on Four-digit numbers. You can understand the definition of a four-digit number, how to compare four-digit numbers, how to arrange 4 digit numbers in ascending order and descending order. You can also find solved examples on comparison of four-digit numbers, arranging 4 digit numbers in ascending order and descending order.

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Four Digit Numbers – Definition

A four-digit number contains four digits. According to their values, the digits are placed from right to left at one’s place, ten’s place, hundred’s place, and thousand’s place.

Examples of four-digit numbers are 3456,2789,6540 etc.

How to Compare 4 Digit Numbers?

In the comparison of the four-digit number,1) The numbers having more digits are greatest. i.e. four-digit numbers are always greater than three-digit numbers,two-digit numbers,one-digit numbers.

5436>250, 8500>85, 3451>100,7890>789

2)Thousand place digit is compared for comparing four-digit numbers.

5678>4321, 7321>4678, 9450>8567, 1523>1032

3)If thousands place of a four-digit number is equal then follow the rules of a three-digit number.

8520>8341, 6432>6312,9800>9723,7520>7120

Comparing Four-Digit Numbers Examples

Example 1:

Compare four-digit numbers 6520, 5231?


In 6520,6 is in the thousands place.

In 5231,5 is in the thousands place.

compare thousands place of two numbers i.e. 6>5

so 6520>5231.

Example 2:

Compare four-digit numbers 4210, 3120?


In 4210,4 is in the thousands place.

In 3120,3 is in the thousands place.

Compare thousands place of two numbers i.e. 4>3

So 4210>3120.

Example 3:

Compare four-digit numbers 9520, 9420?


In 9520,9 is in the thousands place.

5 is in the hundreds place.

2 is in the tens place.

0 is in one place.

In 9420,9 is in the thousands place.

4 is in the hundreds place.

2 is in the tens place.

0 is in one’s place.

since thousands place of both the numbers are same. Compare hundred’s place of both the numbers.


so 9520>9420.

Example 4:

Compare four-digit numbers 3425, 3421?


In 3425,3 is in the thousands place.

4 is in the hundreds place.

2 is in the tens place.

5 is in one’s place.

In 3421,3 is in the thousands place.

4 is in the hundreds place.

2 is in the tens place.

1 is in one’s place.

since thousands, hundreds, and tens place are same compare one’s place of both the numbers.



5. Compare four-digit numbers 6540,5420

In 6540,6 is in the thousands place.

5 is in the hundreds place.

4 is in the tens place.

0 is in one’s place

In 5420, 5 is in the thousands place.

4 is in the hundreds place.

2 is in the tens place.

0 is in one’s place.

compare a thousand places of both the numbers i.e. 6>5. So 6540 is greater than 5420.

Numbers can be arranged in two ways. one is Ascending order and the other one is descending order.

Ascending Order

If the numbers are arranged from smallest to largest. Then it is called Ascending order.

How to arrange 4 Digit Numbers in Ascending Order?

1. Arrange the four-digit numbers 2300,4789,6520,1220,8320,6342 in Ascending order?

Four-digit numbers in ascending order are 1220, 2300, 4789, 6342, 6520,8320.

2. Arrange the four-digit numbers 3340,1783,2520,1220,8920,6142 in Ascending order?

Four-digit numbers in ascending order are 1220,1783,2520,3340,6142,8920.

3. Arrange the four-digit numbers 1340,6873,5520,2220,7920,6142 in Ascending order?

Four-digit numbers in ascending order are1340,2220,5520,6142,6873,7920.

4. Arrange the four-digit numbers 1830,3456,6754,1290,2134,8675 in Ascending order?

Four-digit numbers in ascending order are 1290, 1830,2134,3456,6754,8675.

Descending Order

If numbers are arranged from largest to smallest then it is called Descending order.

How to arrange 4 Digit Numbers in Descending Order?

1.Arrange four-digit numbers 3320, 5420, 1121, 6345, 9230, 2250 in Descending Order?

Four-digit numbers in Descending order are  9230, 6345, 5420, 3320, 2250, 1121.

2.Arrange four-digit numbers 5120, 1420, 9121, 3345, 9530, 2150 in Descending Order?

Four-digit numbers in Descending order are 9530, 9121,5120, 3345, 2150, 1420.

3.Arrange four-digit numbers 4120, 8420, 1828, 7345, 1230, 2950 in Descending Order?

Four-digit numbers in Descending order are 8420, 7345, 4120, 2950, 1828, 1230.

4. Arrange four-digit numbers 1200,6540,8324,3214,5889,4678?

Four-digit numbers in descending order are 8324, 6540, 5889, 4678, 3214, 1200.

FAQ’s  on Comparison of Four-Digit Numbers

1. How many digits are there in a four-digit number?

There are four digits in a four-digit number.

2. What is the smallest four-digit number?

The smallest four-digit number is 1000.

3. What is the greatest four-digit number?

The greatest four-digit number is 9999.

4. What is the place value of  5 in 5734?

The place value of 5 in 5734 is thousands.

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