Learn how to change unlike decimal fractions to like decimal fractions by going through the entire article. Also, know the conversion by referring step by step procedure listed in further modules. We can change Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals by simply adding the required number of Zeros on the extreme right side of the decimal so that the value doesn’t alter.
Unlike Decimal Fractions to Like Decimal Fractions Conversion Examples makes it easy for you to understand the related problems easily and get a grip on the concept. By referring to the complete article we can easily understand about like and unlike decimal fractions and also conversion of unlike decimal fractions into like decimal fractions.
Do, Read:
Like Decimal Fractions
It is defined as any two fractions having the same number of decimal places(i.e they have the same number of digits after the decimal point).
Example: 12.6, 8.9, and 6.8 are like decimal fractions.
Because they all have an equal number of decimal places.
Unlike Decimal Fractions
Any two fractions are said to be unlike decimal fractions if they have an unequal number of decimal places.
Example: 12.78, 5.9, and 7.907 are unlike decimal fractions.
Because they have an unequal number of decimal places.
How to Change Unlike Decimal Fractions to Like Decimal Fractions?
Follow the simple procedure listed below to change Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals. They are as below
Step 1:Â Find the largest number of decimal places in the given numbers.
Step 2:Â Add zeros in the decimal places to the numbers to equal the highest decimal places count.
Note:Â Adding zero on the extreme right of the digit of a decimal part does not change the value of a decimal number. So, we can convert unlike decimals to like decimal by putting zero on the extreme right of the digit of the decimal part of the decimal number.
Converting Unlike Decimals to Like Decimals Examples
Example 1:
Convert the following unlike decimals into like decimals: 12.8, 8.980, and 5.78.
Given decimals are 12.8, 8.980, and 5.78.
Now, 12.8 has 1 decimal place
8.980 has 3 decimal places
5.78 has 2 decimal places.
In the Given Decimals 12.8, 8.980, and 5.78 we observe that the Decimal Number 8.980 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 3
Therefore, to change the given unlike decimals to like decimals we convert all of them into like decimals having three places of decimal.
8.980Â is already having 3 decimal places thus it remains the same
So, by adding zeros to the numbers we can make those into like decimals.
We get 12.800, 8.980, and 5.780.
Example 2.
Convert the following unlike decimals into like decimals: 6.78, 18.9, 25.009 and 7.9
Given decimals are 6.78, 18.9, 25.009 and 7.9
Now, 6.78 has 2 decimal places
18.9 has 1 decimal place
25.009 has 3 decimal places.
7.9 has 1 decimal place.
In the Given Decimals. 6.78, 18.9, 25.009, and 7.9Â we observe that the Decimal Number 8.980 has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 3
Therefore, to change the given unlike decimals to like decimals we convert all of them into like decimals having three places of decimal.
25.009Â is already having 3 decimal places thus it remains the same
So, by adding zeros to the numbers we can make those into like decimals.
We get 6.780, 18.900, 25.009 and 7.900
Example 3.
Convert the following unlike decimals into like decimals:Â 4.9, 44.908, 6.78 and 19.87
Given decimals are 4.9, 44.908, 6.78 and 19.87
Now, 4.9 has 1 decimal place
44.908 has 3 decimal places
6.78 has 2 decimal places.
19.87 has 2 decimal places
In the Given Decimals. 4.9, 44.908, 6.78, and 19.87 we observe that the Decimal Number 44.908Â has the maximum number of decimal places i.e. 3
Therefore, to change the given unlike decimals to like decimals we convert all of them into like decimals having three places of decimal.
44.908Â is already having 3 decimal places thus it remains the same
So, by adding zeros to the numbers we can make those into like decimals.
We get 4.900, 44.908, 6.780 and 19.870