Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key

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Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Answer Key Unit 1 Module 4

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 1 Answer Key

Work Place Instructions 1F Rabbit Tracks

Each player needs:

  • 1 Rabbit Tracks Game Board
  • 1 spinner overlay
  • 2 dice numbered 1-6
  • 2 game markers in 2 different colors
  • 20 game markers in a different color
    Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 1

1. Each player (rabbit) takes a game marker and places it on the board at the beginning of the track. Players will take turns.
2. On each turn, the player rolls the dice and spins the spinner. The player will hop the number of tens shown on the dice and the number of hundreds shown on the spinner. The player can split the sum in order to take hops that will land on carrots, and takes a game marker for each carrot (multiple of 100) they land on.
3. As players take turns rolling, spinning, and moving their markers, they try to figure out how to land on multiples of 100 without counting ten by ten. Players can use combinations to 100 and the patterns on the game board to help.
Player 1 I am on 240.1 rolled 6 and 6—I know that’s 12. Now I’ll spin the spinner… I got Hop
200. The dice shows tens, so that’s 12 tens—120. That plus 200 is 320 in all.
Player 2 Your next carrot is at 300.
Player 1 Yeah, so I’ll take a hop of 60 to get to 300. Then I’ll hop to 400, 500 — that’s my 200.
Now I need to hop the rest of the 120, so that’s 60. I’m on 560. And I get 3 carrots, one each for
300, 400, 500.
4. The game is over after both players reach the end of the game board. The player with the most carrots wins the game. (It is possible for the game to be a tie.)

Game Variations

A. Students can use one or two dice numbered 4-9 dice instead of the 1-6 dice.
B. Students can loop around the game board and keep collecting carrots until the time has run out.

Adding & Subtracting

Question 1.
Solve the following addition and subtraction combinations.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 2
Add the given following combinations and get the result which are as shown below.
Similarly, Subtract the given following combinations and get the result which are as shown below.

Question 2.
Taylor has 27 seashells in his collection. His grandfather gave him 16 more seashells. How many seashells does Taylor have in all? Show your work below and write your final answer on the line.
Answer: ___________
Number of seashells in Taylor collection = 27
Again Number of seashells given by Taylor Grandfather = 16
Therefore overall seashells in Taylor’s collection = ?
= 27 + 16
= 43
Therefore he collected 43 seashells.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 2 Answer Key

Making Ten & One Hundred

Question 1.
Solve the following addition and subtraction combinations.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 4
Add the given following combinations and get the result which are as shown below.
Similarly, Subtract the given following combinations and get the result which are as shown below.

Question 2.
Solve the following addition and subtraction combinations.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 5
Perform the given respective Addition and Subtraction operations by following the below process which are as shown below.

Question 3.
Every week, Trevon keeps a reading log. His goal is to read 100 minutes total from Monday to Friday. Here is his reading log so far this week.

a. How many more minutes does Trevon need to read to meet his goal?
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 6

Total target to read from Monday to Friday = 100 minutes.
Add the given minutes from Monday to Wednesday = 18 + 24 + 15
= 57
Now subtract the Obtained minutes from Target = 100 – 57 = 43
Therefore Trevon require 43 minutes to read from Monday to Friday.
b. Write two different equations showing how much time Trevon could spend reading on Thursday and Friday to meet his goal.
Take two different numbers such as 21 and 22. When both are added the result is 21 + 22 = 43
Similarly, take 18 and 25 two numbers and add them, Then the result is 18 + 25 = 43.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 3 Answer Key

Work Place Instructions 1G Target One Hundred

Each pair of players needs:

  • 1 deck of Number Cards with the wild cards and 10s removed
  • 2 Target One Hundred Record Sheets (1 for each player)

1. Players shuffle the cards, then take turns drawing 6 cards from the deck.
2. Each player chooses 4 cards to make two 2-digit numbers that together have a sum as close to 100 as possible.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 7
With these cards, a player could make 63 and 42 (sum of 105) or 64 and 34 (sum of 98).
Since 98 is closer to 100 than 105 is, making 64 and 34 with the cards is a better move.
Note The 0 card can be used only in the ones place.

3. Players write an addition equation with their numbers and their sum on the record sheet.
4. Players take turns double-checking each other’s calculations.
5. Each player determines their score for the round by finding the exact difference between their sum and 100.
Examples: A sum of 96 has a score of 4, a sum of 107 has a score of 7, and a sum of 100 has a score of 0.
6. Players record both their own score and their partner’s score for the round.
7. Each player puts the 4 cards they used in the discard pile, and then they take turns getting 4 new cards.
8. The game continues for four more rounds (five rounds in all).
9. After five rounds, players add their scores to determine the winner. The player with the lower score wins the game.

Game Variation

A. Players can choose to use wild cards. A wild card can be any numeral. When players use a wild card, they need to put a star above the number made from the wild card in the equation on the record sheet.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 3 Answer Key

Two-Step Problems

Show your work when you solve these story problems. Use your math journal if you need extra room.

Question 1.
Steve bought 8 cat toys at a craft fair. His aunt went to the same fair and bought 6 more toys for him. Steve gave 5 of the toys to the cat next door and let his cat, Fred, have the rest. How many new toys did Fred get?
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 8
Number of cat toys at a craft fair = 8
Again number of more cat toys given by his uncle = 6
Then number of toys = ?
= 8 + 6
= 14
Number of cats given to the cat next door by Steve = 5
Number of new toys that Fed have = ?
= 14 – 5
= 9
Therefore fed contain 9 new toys.

Question 2.
Ava had 7 quarters and her brother gave her 4 more. She had a hole in her pocket, and 5 of the quarters fell out on her way to school. How much money did Ava have left when she got to school?
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 9
Number of quarters that Ava contain = 7
Number of quarters given by Ava’s brother = 4
Now total number of quarters = 7 + 4 = 11
Number of quarters fell out on the way of Ava’s school = 5
Amount of money that Ava left = ?
= 11 – 5
= 6

Question 3.
Find each sum or difference.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 10
Perform the given respective Addition and Subtraction operations by following the below process which are as shown below.

Question 4.
The bus ride from Whitney’s school to her house takes 43 minutes. She has been on the bus for 27 minutes. How much longer will Whitney be on the bus before she gets home?

a. Show one way to solve this problem on the number line.
Time to ride the bus from Whitney’s school to school = 43 minutes
Time that she is present in the bus = 27 minutes
Time that Whitney is on bus before she gets home = ?
= 43 – 27
= 16 minutes
She is on bus about 16 minutes.

b. Show a different way to solve this problem on the number line.

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Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 4 Answer Key

Books & Reading Problems

Question 1.
Write three different pairs of numbers with a difference of 8.
a. ____ – ____ = 8
Take the numbers 12 and 4. Subtract 4 from 12 and get the result as 8. Then, the Equation is written as shown below
12 – 4 = 8

b. ____ – ____ = 8
Take the numbers 28 and 20. Subtract 20 from 28 and get the result as 8. Then, the Equation is written as shown below
28 – 20 = 8

c. ____ – ____ = 8
Take the numbers 15 and  7. Subtract 7 from 15 and get the result as 8. Then, the Equation is written as shown below
15 – 7 = 8

Question 2.
Write three pairs of numbers whose sum is 17.
a. ___ + ___ = 17
Take the three numbers 10, 4 and 3.Then add the three numbers and get the result as 17 which is as shown below
10 + 4 + 3 = 17

b. ___ + ___ = 17
Take the three numbers  8, 7 and 2.Then add the three numbers and get the result as 17 which is as shown below
8 + 7 + 2 = 17

c. ___ + ___ = 17
Take the three numbers  3,  8 and 6 .Then add the three numbers and get the result as 17 which is as shown below
3+ 8 + 6 = 17

Show your thinking when you solve these problems:

Question 3.
Mr. Morgan had 38 math and science books. 17 of them were math books. How many were science books?
Number of both math and science books = 38
Number of math books = 17
Number of science books = ?
= 38 – 17
= 21
Therefore number of science books = 21

Question 4.
Jay read 36 more pages than Shannon last week. If Shannon read 125 pages, how many pages did Jay read?
Number of pages read by Shannon = 125
Number of more pages read by Jay = 36
Number of pages read by jay = ?
= 125 – 36
= 89
Therefore 89 pages are read by Jay.

Question 5.
Jay wanted to read 200 pages last week. How many more pages would he have needed to read to meet that goal?
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 12
Number of pages Jay wanted to read in Last week= 200
As per the above question , Number of pages read by Jay = 89
Number of pages required to read in order to meet the goal = ?
= 200 – 89
= 111

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 5 Answer Key

More Story Problems

Question 1.
Samara had a collection of 23 little dolls. She took the dolls to a friend’s house and lost 4 of them. Her dad bought a package of 6 more dolls for her. How many dolls does Samara have now? Show your work.
Initially number of dolls in Samara collection = 23
Number of dolls lost in friend’s house = 4
Again Number of dolls given by Samara dad = 6
Now, Total Number of dolls that Samara have = ?
= 23 – 4 + 6
= 25

Question 2.
Lola and Serafina were collecting special rocks to give to their brother for his birthday. Lola found 17 rocks, and Serafina found 12. Lola decided to keep 3 of the rocks she found, and Serafina kept 2 of hers. They gave the rest of the rocks to their brother. How many rocks did they give to their brother? Show your work.
Number of rocks found by Lola = 17
Number of rocks found by Serafina= 12
Number of rocks kept with Lola = 3
Similarly , Number of rocks kept with Lola = 2
Number of rocks present with Lola = 17 – 2 = 15
Number of rocks present with Lola = 12 – 3 = 9
Therefore total number of rocks give to their brother = 15 + 9 = 24.

Question 3.
Max and Sam are in the same third grade class. Their teacher asked everyone in the class to try to read as much as they could over the weekend and keep track of what they read. On Saturday, Max read 28 pages and Sam read 19 pages. On Sunday, Max read 15 pages and Sam read 26 pages. On Monday, Max and Sam compared the number of pages they read over the weekend. Who read more pages? How many more pages did he read? Show your work.
Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Answer Key 13
Number of pages read by Max on Saturday  = 28
Number of pages read by Max on Sunday  = 15
Total number of pages  by Max= 28 + 15 = 43
Number of pages read by Sam on Saturday  = 19
Number of pages read by Sam on Saturday  = 26
Total number of pages  by Sam = 19 + 26 = 45
When both Max and Sam are compared = 45 – 43 = 2
Therefore Max read 2 more pages than Sam.

Work Place Instructions 1H Anything But Five

Each pair of players needs:

  • a shared Anything But Five Record Sheet and pencils
  • 2 dice numbered 4-9

1. Both players start the game with 95 points and race to get down to zero points.
2. On each turn, a player can roll the dice up to three times and subtract the sum or sums from their total points.
• Each time a player rolls the dice, they write an equation on their record sheet that shows the two numbers they rolled and their sum. Players need to write small enough so they can fit three equations in the same box.

  • A players can stop rolling after one, two, or three rolls.
  • If a player rolls a 5, he or she loses this turn and will not be able to subtract any points.
  • When a player decides to stop rolling (if they haven’t rolled a 5), they add the sums of all the equations from that turn and then subtract the total from the number of points they have.

Players can use base ten pieces, sketches of base ten pieces, a measuring tape, or mental math strategies to help them with the adding and subtracting, but they must be able to prove to their partner that their results are accurate.
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3. Players take turns rolling and subtracting. The first partner to get to 0 wins.
Players don’t need to get exactly to 0. For example, if a player has 6 points left and rolls a 7 and an 8 to make 15, she wins.

Game Variations

A. For a more challenging game, players can start at 195 and roll 3 dice. They can decide to simply add the 3 dice for a larger sum, or they can combine 2 of the dice to make a 2-digit number.
B. For a shorter game, players can start at 50 or 75.

Alfonso’s Money Problem

Alfonso had $23. He spent $8 at the store during the day. That night, his dad gave him $5 for his allowance. How much money did Alfonso have at the end of the day?

Question 1.
What is this problem asking you to figure out?
This problem is asking to find out the total amount by Alfonso spent all over the day.

Question 2.
Underline any information in the problem that will help you find the answer.
The amount he spent at the day time and the amount given by his dad.

Question 3.
Use this space to solve the problem. Show all your work using numbers, words, or labeled sketches. Write the answer on the line below when you’re finished.
Amount of money that Alfonso contain initially = $23
Amount he spent for store = $ 8
Now the Amount he contain = 23 – 8 = 15
Again Amount of money given by his dad = $5
Therefore overall amount of money at the end of the day he have = ?
= 15 + 5
= 20

Question 4.
CHALLENGE Alfonso wants to share his money with his little sister. He wants to give her enough so that they each have exactly the same amount of money. His sister has $9. How much money should Alfonso give her, and how much money will they each have? Show your work. Use your math journal if you need extra room.
As per the previous question , Amount of Alfonso contain = 23
Amount of money his sister contain = $9
Then , Total amount of money that Alfonso contain = 23 + 9 = 32
To have Exactly same amount of money divide the total with 2 = 32 / 2 = 16
Therefore each will have $ 16 amount of money.

Bridges in Mathematics Grade 3 Student Book Unit 1 Module 4 Session 6 Answer Key

Measuring, Rides & Newspapers

Question 1.
Count on by 10s to fill in the blanks below.
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Question 2.
Solve the problems below. Show all your work using numbers, words, or labeled sketches. Label each answer with the correct units. Use your math journal if you need extra room.

a. Wren measured some items from her room. She measured a book that was 14 inches long, a postcard that was 8 inches long, a CD that was 6 inches long, and a picture that was 13 inches long. Wren lined up all of these items and measured them together. How long were all of the items together?
Book item in Number of inches = 14
postcard in Number of inches = 8
CD in Number of inches = 6
Picture in Number of inches = 13
When all the above items are measured together = ?
= 14 + 8 + 6 + 13
= 41 inches.
Therefore , all the items together = 41 inches.

b. Over the weekend, Calvin went to an amusement park. He rode the Fantastic Freeway ride for 17 minutes, the Spaceship Speedway ride for 12 minutes, and the Rickety Rackety Rocket Ride for 11 minutes. How long did Calvin spend on these three rides?
Number of minutes ride the Fantastic Freeway = 17
Number of minutes ride the Spaceship Speedway  = 12
Number of minutes ride the Rickety Rackety Rocket = 11
Total Distance spend on three rides =?
= 17+ 12 + 11
= 40 minutes
Therefore it took 40 minutes for all the above three rides.

c. Willow delivers newspapers after school. On one street, she delivers 8 newspapers. On another street, she delivers 14 newspapers. On a different street, she delivers 17 newspapers. How many newspapers does Willow deliver on these three streets?
Number of newspapers on one street = 8
Number of newspapers on another street = 14
Number of newspapers on a different street = 17
Then, total number of newspapers on the three streets =?
= 8 + 14+ 17
= 39
Therefore 39 streets are delivered on the three streets.

Question 3.
Solve the following equations:
7 + n = 10 n + 6 = 8 + 4
n = _______ n = _____
7 + n = 10 n + 6 = 8 + 4
Subtract the 7 from 10 and get the resultant n value as 3.
Similarly , add 8 and 4 a and get the value as 12.Now Subtract 6 from 12 and get the resultant n value is 6 which is as shown below.
n = 10 – 7 n+ 6 = 12
n = 3 n = 12 – 6
n = 3 n = 6

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