If you are feeling difficulty in adding money then this web page will give you clear information about how to add the money. Here we will discuss the methods to add the given amounts of money with and without conversion to paisa. You can also check the solved examples of the addition of money for a better understanding of the concept.
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Addition of Money
While adding money, we will understand how to add the amounts of money having rupees and paisa together. We carry out with money the same way as in the addition of ordinary numbers.
We will learn two different methods to solve the addition of money having rupees and paisa. We can practice both models.
- Adding the amounts with conversion into paisa
- Adding the amounts without conversion into paisa
1. Addition of Amounts with Conversion to Paisa
In this method, First, we have to convert all the given amounts into paisa. Then the obtained numbers are added just like an ordinary number in the addition process and then the sum is expressed in rupees and paisa. We can convert the sum of paisa into Rupees by placing a dot after two digits from the right of the sum.
Addition of Amounts with Conversion to Paisa Examples
Consider some examples of adding the amounts in which we will convert all rupees to paisa.
Example 1:
Add Rs12.35 and Rs 74.64 without regrouping
First Rs 12. 35, Rs 74.64 has to be converted to paise.
To convert rupees to paise multiply with 100. (since 1 rupee=100 paisa)
12.35 ×100=1235
74.64 ×100=7464
Add 1235,7464
1Â Â 2Â 3Â 4 p
+7Â 4Â 6Â 4 p
8Â Â 6Â 9Â 8Â Â pÂ
We can convert 8698 paise to 86.98 Rs.
Example 2:
Add the amounts of Rs 84.65Â and 16.53 with regrouping.
First Rs 84. 65, Rs 16.53 has to be converted to paise.
To convert rupees to paise multiply with 100. ( since 1 rupee=100 paise)
84.65 ×100=8465
16.53 ×100=1653
Add 8465,1653
1 1
8Â 4Â 6Â 5
+ 1Â 6Â 5Â 3
10Â 1Â 1Â 8Â Â
We can convert 10118 paise to 101.18 Rs.
Example 3:
Add Rs 64.40, 14.22 and 22.35
First Rs 64. 40, Rs 14.22, Rs 22.35 has to be converted to paise.
To convert rupees to paise multiply with 100.
64.40 ×100=6440
14.22 ×100=1422
22.35 × 100=2235
Add 6440,1422, 2235
6Â Â 4Â 4Â 0
1Â Â 4Â 2Â 2
+2Â 2Â 3Â 5
10 0Â 9Â 7Â Â
We can convert 10097 paise to 100.97 Rs.
Example 4:
Add 14 Rupees 65 paisa and 75 Rupees and 32 paise.
First, 14 Rupees 65 paisa,75 rupees 32 paisa has to be converted to paise.
To convert rupees to paise multiply with 100.
14.65 ×100=1465
75.32 ×100=7532
Add 1465,7532
1Â 4Â 6Â 5
+ 7Â 5Â 3Â 2
8Â 9Â 9Â 7Â Â
We can convert 8997 paise to 89.97 Rs.
Money Addition Without Conversion
For adding the given amounts without conversions follow the three steps.
(i) Arrange the rupees and paisa in the different columns. Arrange the decimal points exactly in one line.
(ii)Add the given amounts just like ordinary numbers.
(iii)Place the decimal point in the sum.
Examples of Adding the Money without Conversion
Example 1:
Add Rs 64.28 and Rs 33.31
(i)Arrange the rupees and paisa in the different columns. Arrange the decimal points exactly in one line.
(ii)Add the given amounts just like ordinary numbers.
(iii)Place the decimal point in the sum.
Rs  6 4. 2 8
Rs +3 3. 3 1
Rs  9 7 .5 9
Therefore, the Addition of 64.28 and 33.31 is 97.59.
Example 2:
Add Rs 51.20 and Rs 18.50 without conversion
(i)Arrange the rupees and paisa in the different columns. Arrange the decimal points exactly in one line.
(ii)Add the given amounts just like ordinary numbers.
(iii)Place the decimal point in the sum.
Rs  5 1. 2 0
Rs +1 8. 5 0
Rs  6 9 .7 0 Â
Therefore, the addition of Rs51.20 and Rs 18.50 is Rs 69.70.
Example 3:
Add Rs 42.25, Rs15.20 and Rs31.10
(i)Arrange the rupees and paisa in the different columns. Arrange the decimal points exactly in one line.
(ii)Add the given amounts just like ordinary numbers.
(iii)Place the decimal point in the sum.
Rs  4  2 . 2 5
Rs 1  5 . 2 0
Rs +3Â 1 . 1Â 0
Rs  8 8 . 5 5  Â
The addition of Rs 42.25, Rs15.20 and Rs31.10 is Rs 88.55.
Example 4:
Add 43 rupees 25 paise and 50 rupees 75 paise.
(i)Arrange the rupees and paisa in the different columns. Arrange the decimal points exactly in one line.
(ii)Add the given amounts just like ordinary numbers.
(iii)Place the decimal point in the sum
1Â Â Â 1
Rs  4 3 . 2  5
Rs +5 0 .  7  5
Rs  9 4 .  0  0
Hence, the addition of 43 rupees 25 paise and 50 rupees 75 paise is Rs 94.00
Example 5:
Ram buys 2 kg of wheat at Rs 80 and 2 kg of sugar at Rs 70. Find the total money ram gave to the shopkeeper?
Ram buys wheat =Rs 80
Ram buys sugar=Rs 70
Total money ram gave to shopkeeper=Rs80+Rs70
=Rs 150
Therefore, the total money ram gave to shopkeeper=Rs150.
Example 6:
Sita bought a pair of shoes for rs 500 and a bag for Rs 300. Find how much money she spent on buying shoes and bags?
Sita buys a pair of shoes =Rs 500
Sita buys bag=Rs 300
Total money spent by Sita for buying shoes and bag=Rs 300+ Rs 500
=Rs 800
Therefore, the total money ram gave to the shopkeeper=Rs 800.