180 Days of Math for Third Grade Day 160 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Third Grade Answers Key Day 160

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
11 + 5 + 29 = 180 Days of Math for Third Grade Day 160 Answers Key 1
Answer: 45
By adding the three given numbers we get 45.

Question 2.
9 × 6 = 180 Days of Math for Third Grade Day 160 Answers Key 1
Answer: 54
By multiplying the 9 and 6 we get 54.

Question 3.
180 Days of Math for Third Grade Day 160 Answers Key 2
Answer: 64
By multiplying the 16 and 4 we get 64.

Question 4.
Is 573 an even or an odd number?
Answer: 573 is an odd number because it is not divisible by 2.

Question 5.
What is the value of 2 in 263?
Answer: The value of 2 in 263 is 200.

Question 6.
Fill in the missing number.
312, 317, 322, _______, 332
Answer: 327
Let us find the pattern to know the missing number.
317 – 312 = 5
So, the pattern is 5.
322 + 5 = 327

Question 7.
How many full pitchers will it take to fill the bucket?
180 Days of Math for Third Grade Day 160 Answers Key 3
The capacity of the bucket = 15 liter
The capacity of the pitcher = 5 liter
15 ÷ 5 = 3
It takes 3 full pitchers to fill the bucket.

Question 8.
How many hours are there in 2 days?
Answer: 48
1 day = 24 hours
2 days = 24 × 2 = 48 hours
Thus there are 48 hours in 2 days.

Question 9.
How many angles are there in an octagon?
Answer: 8
There are 8 angles in an octagon.

Question 10.
Ninety-nine people show up to a school fund-raiser. Fifty people each donate $25.00 to the school. Thirty-three people donate $50.00 each. The rest donate $100.00 each. How many people donate $100.00 to the school?
Ninety-nine people show up to a school fund-raiser.
Fifty people each donate $25.00 to the school.
50 × 25 = $1250
Thirty-three people donate $50.00 each.
30 × 50 = $1500
The rest donate $100.00 each.
99 – 50 – 30 = 19
19 × 100 = $1900
Thus Nineteen people each donate $100 to the school.

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