180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 134 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Answers Key Day 134

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
16 + 27 + 34 = _________
Answer: 77
When we add 2 or more addends we get the sum.
16 + 27 + 34 = 77

Question 2.
Multiply 5 and 30.
Answer: 150
When we multiply the factors 5 and 30,
we get the product 150.

Question 3.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 134 Answers Key 1
Quotient = 57
Remainder = 4

Question 4.
Calculate the square root of 49.
Answer: 7
A number which produces a specified quantity when multiplied by itself.
7 x 7 = 49

Question 5.
Round 5.25 to the nearest whole number.
Answer: 5
The integer part to the left of the decimal point is 5,
the fractional part to the right of the decimal point is 25.
If the first digit in the fractional part is less than 5 then we simply remove the fractional part to get the answer.
So, the nearest whole number is 5.

Question 6.
12 – 20 × 5 = __________
Answer: -88
12 – 20 × 5
as per MAS rule (Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction)
= 20 x 5
= 100
12 – 100 = -88

Question 7.
234 + 180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 134 Answers Key 2 = 299
Answer: 65
234 + 180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 134 Answers Key 2 = 299
Let the unknown number is x
234 + x = 299
x = 299 – 234
x = 65
234 + 65 = 299

Question 8.
4(x – 21) = ____________
4x – 84
4(x – 21)
x is the variable in the given equation
4x – 84

Question 9.
Find the average speed when 200 km are traveled in 4 hours.
50KM per Hour
Speed = \(\frac{Distance}{Time}\)
Speed = \(\frac{200}{4}\) = 50KM per Hour

Question 10.
Complete the chart for the shape.
180 Days of Math for Sixth Grade Day 134 Answers Key 3

Name the figure.
How many surfaces?
How many vertices?
Does it stack or roll?
Is it a plane shape or a solid shape?


Triangular prism is a polyhedron made up of two triangular bases and three rectangular sides.
It has three side faces and two base faces, connected to each other through the edges.
Question 11.
The numbers 20 through 30 were written on individual cards and placed in a bag. If you take one card from the bag, what is the probability that it will be a multiple of 5?
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
20, 25, 30
multiples of 5 are,
\(\frac{3}{11}\) is the probability that it will be a multiple of 5

Question 12.
Which fraction added to \(\frac{8}{15}\) will make 1 whole?
\(\frac{3}{11}\) + x = 1
x = 1 – \(\frac{3}{11}\)
x = \(\frac{11- 3}{11}\)
x = \(\frac{8}{11}\)

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