180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade Day 167 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade Answers Key Day 167

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
44 + 27 = _________
By adding 44 and 27 we get 71.
So, 44 + 27 = 71

Question 2.
50% of 50 is __________
50/100 × 50 = 25

Question 3.
Calculate the quotient of 72 and 7.
Answer: 72 ÷ 7 = 10.2

Question 4.
96 ÷ 9 = ____________
Answer: 10.6

Question 5.
Is 1,427 closer to 1,400 or 1,500?
Answer: 1427 is closer to 1400 because it is less than 1450.

Question 6.
27 ÷ 9 = 3 × 180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade Day 167 Answers Key 1
Let the unknown value be x.
27 ÷ 9 = 3 × x
3 = 3 × x
x = 1
27 ÷ 9 = 3 × 1

Question 7.
What date is it one day after December 31st?
180 Days of Math for Fourth Grade Day 167 Answers Key 2
Answer: The date after December 31st is January 1st.

Question 8.
Which would be the best measure for the capacity of a bucket: cup, kilogram, or liter?
Answer: Liter is the best measure for the capacity of a bucket.

Question 9.
What is the name for lines that intersect to form right angles?
Answer: The lines that intersect to form right angles are perpendicular lines.

Question 10.
If you divide me by 12, you get 5. What number am I?
12 × 5 = 60
60/5 = 12
So, the number is 60.

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