180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Answers Key Day 172

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key 1
The addition is the term used to describe adding two or more numbers together. The addition is denoted using the plus sign ‘+‘ such as the addition of 3 and 3 can be written as 4 + 4. Also, the plus sign (+) can be used as many times as required, such as
4 + 4 + 4 + 4.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q1
Therefore, the answer is 201.

Question 2.
17 × 85 = ___________
In mathematics, multiplication is a method of finding the product of two or more numbers. It is one of the basic arithmetic operations, that we use in everyday life. The major application we can see in multiplication tables.
In arithmetic, the multiplication of two numbers represents the repeated addition of one number with respect to another. These numbers can be whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, fractions, etc. If m is multiplied by n, then it means either m is added to itself ‘n’ number of times or vice versa.
The formula for multiplication:
The multiplication formula is given by:
Multiplier × Multiplicand = Product
– The multiplicand is the total number of objects in each group
– A multiplier is the number of equal groups
– Product is the result of multiplication of multiplier and multiplicand
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q2
Therefore, the answer is 1445.

Question 3.
917 ÷ 87 = __________
The meaning of divide is to separate into two or more equal parts, areas, classes, categories, groups or divisions. In simple words, the meaning of divide is to distribute the whole thing to a group in equal parts or make equal parts. The result of a division operation may or may not be an integer. Sometimes, the result will be in the form of decimal numbers.
Divide symbol:
The symbol used to represent divide or division is ÷, slash (/) or a horizontal line ( _ ). These symbols are used as per convenience while dealing with various types of problems and calculations. Also, x/y or 180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q3
Division formula: The four important terms used in the division operation are dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. The formula to calculate the division of two numbers is:
Dividend ÷ Divisor = Quotient + Remainder.
The dividend is the number, which is being divided
The divisor is the number, which divides the number (dividend) into equal parts
The quotient is the result of the division operation
The remainder is the leftover number in the division operation.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q4
Therefore, the remainder is 35 and the quotient is 104.

Question 4.
100,000 + 60,000 + 9,000 + 200 + 80 + 1 = _________
Answer: 169,281
An expanded form is given. So we need to write the standard form.
The process of writing a given mathematical concept like an equation, number, or expression in certain rules is called the standard form.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q5
Place value in Maths describes the position or place of a digit in a number. Each digit has a place in a number. When we represent the number in general form, the position of each digit will be expanded. Those positions start from a unit place or we also call it one’s position. The order of place value of digits of a number of right to left is units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, and so on.

Question 5.
50% of $400 is __________
Use of percentages: The percentage formula is used to find the amount or share of something in terms of 100. In its simplest form, per cent means per hundred. To express a number between zero and one, a percentage formula is used. It is defined as a number represented as a fraction of 100. It is denoted by the symbol % and is majorly used to compare and find out ratios.
The percentage formula is given as:
Percentage=(value/total value)×100
Here percentage implies “for every hundred”
– % is read as a percentage and x % is read as x per cent.
To calculate p % of Z then: (p/100) x Z = (p x Z)/100
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q6
Therefore, the answer is $200.

Question 6.
15 • 8 – 7 • 3 = ___________
In mathematics, multiplication is a method of finding the product of two or more numbers. It is one of the basic arithmetic operations, that we use in everyday life. The major application we can see in multiplication tables.
In arithmetic, the multiplication of two numbers represents the repeated addition of one number with respect to another. These numbers can be whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, fractions, etc. If m is multiplied by n, then it means either m is added to itself ‘n’ number of times or vice versa.
The formula for multiplication:
The multiplication formula is given by:
Multiplier × Multiplicand = Product
– The multiplicand is the total number of objects in each group
– A multiplier is the number of equal groups
– Product is the result of multiplication of multiplier and multiplicand
15 × 8 = 120
7 × 3 = 21
Now subtract the number we got after multiplied. Let the given blank be X.
Therefore, the value of 15 • 8 – 7 • 3 = 99.

Question 7.
22 + 180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key 2 = 4
Let the empty box be X
22 + X = 4
Now get 22 on the right-hand side then the expression will be:
X = 4 – 22
X = -18
Now put the ‘-18’ in the empty box and check the answer is correct or not.
4 = 4
Left-hand side = right-hand side
Hence, the answer is verified.

Question 8.
What is the volume of the solid?
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key 3
the volume of a cube of the length of one side is 5 cm
Since a is equal to 5, volume of the cube = a3 = 53
The volume of the cube=5 × 5 × 5
The volume of the cube=25 × 5
The volume of the cube=125
Therefore, the volume of the cube = 125 cm3

Question 9.
Is the angle right, obtuse, or acute?
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Answer: Acute angle.
Types of angles:
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 172 Answers Key q7
An angle which is measuring less than 90 degrees is called an acute angle. This angle is smaller than the right angle (which is equal to 90 degrees). For example, ∠30o, ∠45o, ∠60o, ∠75o, ∠33o, ∠55o, ∠85o, etc. are all acute angles.

Question 10.
How many more books has Jim read this year than Ali?
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The number of books Jim read=16
The number of books Ali read=10
The number of more books Jim read than Ali=X
Now subtract both the number of books that Jim and Ali read then we get the answer
Therefore, 6 more books Jim read than Ali.

Question 11.
This is a spinner for a board game. Label the spinner so the probability of landing on a 1 is twice as likely as landing on a 2.
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The probability of landing on 1 twice is 1/36
If you spin the spinner once, there are 6 possibilities each time (1-6). The possibility of landing on the number 1 is 1 of these 6 possibilities. Its probability is therefore 1/6.
– Each spin is independent. The probability of landing on 1 the second time is the same as the first time: 1/6
Because the two events are independent, we find the probability of them both occurring by multiplying them together.
1/6 * 1/6 = 1/36
Anything that occurs more than half of the time we describe as likely.
The probability of landing on 2 twice is 1/36
For detain explanation, we can write the possibilities also.
The possibilities are (1,1) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6). Therefore 6 possibilities.  [6*6=36] Likewise, for 2 also.
The possibilities are (2,1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)
Question 12.
Marco wants to give each of his 21 classmates a stick of gum. The gum comes in packs of 5. How many packs of gum will Marco have to buy?
the number of classmates=21
The number of gums comes in each pack=5
For 1 pack there will be 5 gums
For 4 packs there will be 5*4=20 gums.
But Marco wants 21 gums. If he buys 4 packs then he will get 20 gums.
The number of packs of gum will Marco have to buy=X
Therefore, he buys 4.2 packs.

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