180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key

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180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Answers Key Day 168

Directions: Solve each problem.

Question 1.
Take 28 away from 53.
Away means distance.
Here we need to subtract 28 from 53. Assume the answer as X.
x = 53 – 28
X = 25.

Question 2.
71 × 95 = ___________
In mathematics, multiplication is a method of finding the product of two or more numbers. It is one of the basic arithmetic operations, that we use in everyday life. The major application we can see in multiplication tables.
In arithmetic, the multiplication of two numbers represents the repeated addition of one number with respect to another. These numbers can be whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, fractions, etc. If m is multiplied by n, then it means either m is added to itself ‘n’ number of times or vice versa.
The formula for multiplication:
The multiplication formula is given by:
Multiplier × Multiplicand = Product
– The multiplicand is the total number of objects in each group
– A multiplier is the number of equal groups
– Product is the result of multiplication of multiplier and multiplicand
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key q1
Therefore, the answer is 6745.

Question 3.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key 1
The square root of a number is defined as the value, which gives the number when it is multiplied by itself. The radical symbol √ is used to indicate the square root. For example, √9 = 3. The radical symbol is also called a root symbol or surds. If a number is a perfect square, we can easily find the square root of the number. If the given number is not a perfect square number, the square root can be found using the long division method.
– Here we will show you how to calculate the square root of 276 using the long division method with one decimal place accuracy.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key q2
Thus, the answer is on the top. The square root of 276 with one digit decimal accuracy is 16.61. Did you notice that the last two steps repeat the previous two steps. You can add decimals by simply adding more sets of 00 and repeating the last two steps over and over.
The above-given question is 16 square root of 276
The square root of 276 is 16.61
Now multiply 16 and 16.61
Thus, 16 * 16.61 = 265.76

Question 4.
What is the value of digit 3 in 238,679?
Answer: 3 is in ten thousands place.
Place value describes the position or place of a digit in a number. Each digit has a place in a number. When we represent the number in general form, the position of each digit will be expanded. Those positions start from a unit place or we also call it one’s position. The order of place value of digits of a number of right to left is units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, a hundred thousand, and so on.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key q3

Question 5.
Write the mixed number for \(\frac{9}{4}\).
\(\frac{9}{4}\) can be written as 9/4
Step 1: Find the whole number
Calculate how many times the denominator goes into the numerator. To do that, divide 9 by 4 and keep only what is to the left of the decimal point:
9/4 = 2.2500 = 2
Step 2: Find a new numerator
Multiply the answer from Step 1 by the denominator and deduct that from the original numerator.
Step 3: Get a solution
Keep the original denominator and use the answers from Step 1 and Step 2 to get the answer. 9/4 as a mixed number is 2 1/4.

Question 6.
9 • 9 – 6 • 5 = _________
The value of 9 • 9 is 81
The value of 6 • 5 is 30
Now subtract the above number. And assume answer as X
Therefore, the value of the above expression is 51.

Question 7.
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key 2
Assume empty box as M
3 × M = 63
Now get 3 to the right-hand side then the expression becomes:
M = 63/3
M = 21
Now verify the answer. Put the M value in the empty box.
3 × 21 = 63.
Hence, the answer is verified.

Question 8.
Calculate the area of a rectangle that is 5 cm by 4 cm.
The area of a rectangle is the region occupied by a rectangle within its four sides or boundaries.
The area of a rectangle depends on its sides. Basically, the formula for area is equal to the product of length and breadth of the rectangle. Whereas when we speak about the perimeter of a rectangle, it is equal to the sum of all its four sides. Hence, we can say, the region enclosed by the perimeter of the rectangle is its area. But in the case of a square, since all the sides are equal, therefore, the area of the square will be equal to the square of side-length.
Area of reactangle=length x breadth
The above-given values 5cm and 4 cm
According to the formula
A=5 x 4
A = 20 cm2.

Question 9.
A quadrilateral has angles measuring 105°, 45°, and 45°. What is the measure of the fourth angle?
We already know that
the sum of angles in a quadrilateral is 360 degrees.
The above-given angles are 105, 45, and 45.
We need to find out the fourth angle.
The fourth angle=360-(105+45+45)
The fourth angle=360-195
The fourth angle=165.

Question 10.
One-third of the swimming club members have won medals in competitions. How many members have won medals?
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key 3
The total number of sports club members=20+40+60+80+100+120+140=560
We need to find out the swimming club members won medals.
The number of members who won medals=X
Already given 1/3rd members won medals in competition. So what we have to do is:
X=1/3 * 560
Therefore, 187 members won medals in the competition.

Question 11.
Using the spinner below, which colour has a 50% probability of being spun?
180 Days of Math for Fifth Grade Day 168 Answers Key 4
Answer: Blue
The colours in the spun = blue, blue, red, green.
If the complete spinner is 100%.
The spinner is divided into 4 sections. So, 100/4=25%.
Each section is 25%. Now we know the percentage of each section.
The percentage of section colour red is 25%
the percentage of section colour green is 25%
the percentage of section colour blue is 25 + 25 = 50%
Therefore, the blue colour has a 50% probability of being spun.

Question 12.
Harold and his brother Beni combine their money to buy a new soccer ball that costs $15.00. Two-thirds of the money was Harold’s. How much money did Beni contribute?
The amount both used to buy a new soccer ball combinely=$15
The money Harold contributed=2/3 * 15 = 10
We need to find out the money Beni contribute=X
We know Harold contribute and total amount to buy the ball. So subtract both these amounts.
X = 15 – 10
X= $5
Therefore, Beni contributes $5.

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